Confirmed Darrell Jackson hits the portal

Does anyone have information that this dude is trying to crawl his way back here? Otherwise this conversation is just ******* bizarro world.
It's the message board everyday is a new glue slurpie offseason adventure.
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I think it’s incredibly bad precedent to let him come back — but the NCAA would reject his appeal there and then allow him to go back and play immediately at the school that he left to move closer to home? I can’t even compute that logic
I agree his waiver has not been granted yet, heard on a podcast that even without the waiver he is expected to start practicing for fspoo on day one even if he does not have the waiver - who knows

I am curious what the hold up is on the waiver, seems very inconsistent who gets granted
I'm probably the conductor on the "we're in some trouble at DT" train. I'm also on the "be consistent about your culture comments and principles" train. When these trains collide, I prefer the latter one is the winner. Isn't there a point where this type of behavior impacts trust? It does in pretty much all other team dynamics in any other situation in life and work.
I’m with you

I’m sure Mario agrees with you. If somehow he ended up back here there would have to be some major details that none of us know about. Mario doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to do this unless conditions were met
Cristobal knew all of this all along, we are all just now catching up to his master plan. 3D chess, not checkers chumps! We keep a great DT, and he scouted our rival. We phucking *******! Or something along those lines......
I am being 100% serious when I say the staff thought he would be back in late April. I didn’t ask whether that was bc of the waiver or just bc he wanted to. Surprised it’s been this quiet for this long.
Tate martell got a waiver and this kid can’t? Gotta be something amish

I think it’s incredibly bad precedent to let him come back — but the NCAA would reject his appeal there and then allow him to go back and play immediately at the school that he left to move closer to home? I can’t even compute that logic
It was make our chief in state rival weaker. I’m all for it.
Awww, is his granny feeling better? Neither staff should take this kid. Yeah, win, win, win and all that, but not at the expense of looking like a cuck to the rest of the team.
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Im OK with it after he goes through this when he gets back to UM.
Facts. With the type of culture reset that Mario is trying to establish here, there would probably be some things that he would have to go through, to get back on the good side of teammates and coaches. That being said, I could be wrong, but Mario don't strike me as the kind of coach to backtrack. "You only get one chance to fucc me over, kid. You quit on me once. The next time, you may quit on me during a game. I can't take that chance. Sorry, but you probably need to seek shelter, elsewhere. **** happens."-Mario
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