Confirmed Darrell Jackson hits the portal

Or as Josh Pate calls them. Portal dippers who enter to leverage more money just to return. Not sure if it happens her but I’m sure it’s happening.
Or as most people call it, go get an offer so you can find out what you are worth to your current wonders.
lol if he transfers back after already enrolling at FSU, he aint ever playing this season lol. you can say he could have gotten an exception wiht his mom's health to go to FSU, but to go back to miami and transferring again? yeah ill pass at this point.

Or as most people call it, go get an offer so you can find out what you are worth to your current wonders.

Free market. Same as ppl in everyday work. Go out “job hunting” simply to be offered to go back to current company and get a counter to stay.

Problem is some guys overburdened themselves and end up being told no thank you at their current job who won’t match the new offer. Better be ready to jump ship if that happens cause you’ve played your hand and lost. It’s risky but it’s done all the time in the normal workforce
Free market. Same as ppl in everyday work. Go out “job hunting” simply to be offered to go back to current company and get a counter to stay.

Problem is some guys overburdened themselves and end up being told no thank you at their current job who won’t match the new offer. Better be ready to jump ship if that happens cause you’ve played your hand and lost. It’s risky but it’s done all the time in the normal workforce
And, just like in the real world, there's a risk of burning trust on both sides.
If he wants back in, then Miami obviously knows him best. So, how might he compare with the other possible DT options? And if he were to come back, Miami still needs to bring in another DT.