Dabo Swiney

Hard to say a guys overrated when he just put up 58 points and didn't really try in the second half.
do some actual research.

i'm saying he's bad in comparison to those who are elite in recruiting.

Do some research?Lmao...elite recruiter? Clemson's past 5 classes per 247:

2015- #8
2014- #24
2013- #15
2012- #23
2011- #11

An elite recruiter is someone that finishes with at least some top-5 classes..

do you no how many teams there are in division I fbs football? and like how you completely neglected what i said about them getting dominated by mediocre teams. seriously don't be an amateur and act like you actually watch what's going on with other teams throughout the country besides the canes.

You're pretty comical. So in your mind , since there are 128 FBS schools, a coach that averages a #16 recruiting class is elite but when his teams finishes the season ranked higher than those classes he's considered a corch? Lmao, what's wrong with ya?

As far as being dominated by mediocre teams, he has a 34 game winning streak against unranked opponents. Again, what teams are you talking about?

georgia tech, nc stats, wvu throttling him by 70 points. once again, do you actually know what's going on in college football besides are sorry *** team bc golden can't be used as a benchmark

Derp? 5 seasons ago?