Cristobal may come if Schiano is HC, per Pete

Schiano, No D, & Cristobal together. I'll be turning in my cane card & root for Harbaughs savagry.
I can give Schiano a chance of hired. If he brings Mario and keeps Dohno and keeps Swasey just ******* kill me
OC: Coley

Straight up, the longer this goes on without any rumors of us actually getting Richt, the more likely it is we get Schiano, and ruin this program for another 10 years.
This would be a disaster of ******* epic proportions, there is no word that i can think of that properly captures just how incredibly disastrous that would be.

Schianos dream staff

OC: Coley
DC: Shannon
Oline: Cristobal

Lets see:
players from 2013 think Schiano stinks
people in Miami think Coley stinks
Shannon stunk as a head coach
people in Alabama think Cristobal stinks as oline coach.

Is it just me, or does something smell around here?
These leaks against Butch and in favor of Schiano (the Uniter!) are all coming out at the same time. This likely means they've been rejected by Richt and will be hiring Schiano.

Good luck Canes fans!

That would suck so hard.
So when do the banners start flying I never contributed before but I might now fire flake
Didn't Pete Just claim it was Butch? Even if Pete's source isn't full of it, they may have their own agenda. I feel like some of these rumors are floated to push a different candidate entirely.
Let's take all the guys fans like the least and have the form a super staff! The hate will just cancel itself out, right?