Cribby’s keys to the game

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The difference between preseason and now is simply A&M got upset and many of our fans are drinking Kool Aid forgetting things like the first half against So Miss.

If we play the same way we did against So Miss, we’re in trouble. TVD should be throwing in the hotel lobby after his continental breakfast to get warm because we absolutely cannot have him lay a first half egg in this game.
I agree I just don’t think they’re built to blow teams out, if its a blowout it’s because we assisted them with turnovers dumb penalties etc..
Our D has to play lights out, we will be lucky to get to 20 pts against their defense. It must be nice to be able to stack that type of talent they have on D
Our D has to play lights out, we will be lucky to get to 20 pts against their defense. It must be nice to be able to stack that type of talent they have on D

I can’t imagine there are a ton of examples of a legit first-round NFL QB not being able to put up 20 points in a college football game with somewhat close talent. I know A&M has recruited on a different level than we have the past few years and are more talented, but to me, this game is on TVD and Gattis. I don’t expect them to just go up and down the field on our defense. 24-28 points should be enough to either win this game or at least give us a chance in the 4th quarter. If TVD is truly a high NFL pick, he has to be able to get us to 20 points. That’s nothing in today’s game.
They’re a run first team but you do know that offense just put up a 40 piece in a quarter on Unc? I’ve seen those guys make contested catches and get behind people the last two games. Next to X only K Smith has done much of anything. We’re running flea flickers against S Miss to help get separation. They won’t respect our skill guys , that’s the point. We have to make them pay or it’ll be a long day.
We haven’t called any deep shots except for the 1 where tvd forced the ball to brashard tbh and had Keyshawn wide open on the outside I seen a very vanilla game plan unless those sack plays were about to be deep shots and got messed up It’s mainly just been drags and over routes and quick ball distribution
What a week it would be for a Ladson sighting
This is the kind of stage that Ladson should use to up his stock and show his talent.

He was brought to the U for this reason, and now it is time to show out, perform, and convince fans that he has what it takes.

Key to Ladson's success is the opp from Gattis to cut him loose, and him to step up.

Crib if he hooks up well with TVD we win or make a game tight enough to snag the W.

The time is now for Ladson.
That being said, just give Tyler a chance at the end of the game. That's all you can ask for. I would really love to see him have a winning drive and grow up in front of us like Dorsey against FSU.
That’s cool, but this opponent ain’t no FSU circa 2000. We’re taking about a team that couldn’t get out of its own way vs App State at home. If Tyler leads a big comeback drive against this aTm team, then that’s great. But he already did the equivalent of that vs Pitt last year. If you want to see a Dorsey vs FSU moment, then that will have to wait for a more worthy opponent.
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I re-watched the Southern Miss game last night; the first time I had seen it sober. If the OL doesn't improve drastically, we are in for a very long night. Shocking is the best word to describe the missed assignments particularly on the sacks taken by TVD. Simple DL stunts by Southern Miss were easily able to confuse our OL and leave them just standing there blocking air.
Saw it as well...
What a week it would be for a Ladson sighting
Step Brothers Reaction GIF by reactionseditor
That’s cool, but this opponent ain’t no FSU circa 2000. We’re taking about a team that couldn’t get out of its own way vs App State at home. If Tyler leads a big comeback drive against this aTm team, then that’s great. But he already did the equivalent of that vs Pitt last year. If you want to see a Dorsey vs FSU moment, then that will have to wait for a more worthy opponent.

We haven't beaten a ranked non-conference opponent on the road since 2003. Sorry, but I think it's a much bigger deal than beating Pitt.
Yup, the 1st qtr is going to be massive. We can't let them come out on fire under the lights with a 100k fans in the stand. If we can survive the early game jitters and keep it close going into halftime I think we have a shot. We have the less talented team but so did App State and they made it happen.
Yup, the 1st qtr is going to be massive. We can't let them come out on fire under the lights with a 100k fans in the stand. If we can survive the early game jitters and keep it close going into halftime I think we have a shot. We have the less talented team but so did App State and they made it happen.
Bama was last year my boy.. We giving these boys the work!