2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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literally you skipped his post from an hour ago. he legit says its not trending in a good direction
Ok. Throw in the towel. Fire everyone. Close the program. Drop all of our balls.

Honestly, you guys are so unbelievably pathetic, its insane.

Lock this thread. All this serves is a bunch of dudes satisfying their weird, eerie need for negative news. Its like jerking off to your wife getting ****ed by someone else.
Football gods just drafted up their opus on us.

Hmm let’s pick the jewel of their class… let’s nix him on signing day but not as a flip. Some covert technicality that the fans won’t even know what hit ‘em.
An issue that causes him to no sign that came up last minute
“Out of respect for the family” non info
Not an EE
No public affirmation of his commitment
Ruiz tweets about the legalities of NIL
“Might not be resolvable”


The kid and his fam were expecting to be paid on signing day no matter what.

And unless someone else can point to concrete evidence to the the contrary this is what it is. Otherwise there wouldn’t be secrecy like we are trying to get away with a heist or something
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well never hear the end of it from gator fns. finally land a Lakeland kid and an elite one at that and its ****d up literally the day of NSD lol
The GAYtors have a lot bigger issues themselves to be taking **** to anyone let alone us after Bryant, Pancake and Fletcher.
unless he moves, he can't exactly receive money from anywhere else either. unless he can graduate early and enroll. maybe he trolled us and signed elsewhere on the low?
No doubt a sketchy situation. Like has been said, thousands of kids signed without issue. Kids from Lakeland that transferred in signed without issue. Complete silence from their camp ever since Mom’s “FALSE ALARM” tweet. As the saying goes, If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…it’s probably a duck.
What I don't understand is why this came out at the 11th hour, when they even had his NLI ceremony set up and the candles on the cake.

If Mario knew there were potential issues all along like some have speculated, one would think he'd be trying to manage expectations and drop hints that UM was working through stuff. The perception right now is UM didn't do its homework and (likely) ended up losing its top recruit in almost two decades. And then UM missed on another top tier DB who supposedly wanted to attend UM (Hussey), to FSU because Mario hired Jason Taylor to be an analyst? Is Taylor going to whisper defensive secrets into Steele's ear so we only lose by 10 pts the next time we play MTSU?

"The perception right now is UM didn't do its homework?

What does this mean specifically?
What homework were they suppose to do?
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Oh, now I'm a ****. You read it, didn't you?

Now shut it.
he literally said its not trending in a. good direction RIGHT After your quoted post. another poster said hes not a cane as of today. common sense indicates hes gonna be courted by everyone as an unsigned elite player. we dont need na insider for that. Geos info is now wrong. he didnt sign. he wont sign till feb. we have no in homes and no OVs left to use on him.

dont tell others to shut it. you can not open the thread. you want to be rude and a **** bc you can't take anything not positive thats on you. keep the threads open. its gonna be rocky till NSD bc hes as good as an uncommitted recruit.
“The longer this takes…”

What does that mean exactly? I only ask because we know how long it will take. He can’t sign until February so there’s nothing that can be done or finalized before that regardless of what is said by him and/or his camp, correct?

I personally am not optimistic, simply because like many have said…why not just sign and figure out the rest, whatever it is, after that? Whatever, lol. Another portal CB would have been nice before this, now it’s a must.
he literally said its not trending in a. good direction RIGHT After your quoted post. another poster said hes not a cane as of today. common sense indicates hes gonna be courted by everyone as an unsigned elite player. we dont need na insider for that. Geos info is now wrong. he didnt sign. he wont sign till feb. we have no in homes and no OVs left to use on him
Do you know what a trend is? Or are you too obtuse?
Do you know what a trend is? Or are too obtuse?
do you honesly think hes gonna sign after feeling the way he may feel based on the inside info? geos info is wrong bc he didn't sign. he may not sign ever. we all hope he does. either you have info or you dont. spill your **** if you feel so sure otherwise stop arguing w everyone
Sorry I hurt your feelings. How am I ruining anything. What benefit is there to come to a thread where people are looking for answers, and give half info? So far it's been video editing, deion, bama bags, trob lying, uf bags, other schools sabotaging, grades, ACT, NIL glitch, transcripts. So which info should I just take with a grain of salt and accept and move on? Then the ones that "know" just say I know but I can't say. Again, it's anonymous. Use an alt acct to give out good info

My man, an anonymous keyboard warrior on a message board could never do such a thing.

The reason why you see a million different reasons being posted as to what has occured with Cormani is that those people probably don't know and are likely guessing. Just my opinion of course.

As far as giving half info, where was there half info? I think I am the only one who has posted a definitive answer and that is that Cormani is NOT coming. Everyone else is beating around the bush or pretty much saying he is still coming.

As far as a detailed explanation as to why Cormani is not coming, why do you feel you are entitled to that? Because I can assure you that you aren't. Not from me or anyone else who cares to share info.

All that should matter to your or ANY fan is whether Cormani will be a Cane or that he won't be. Not the reasons why.

Lastly, this is a message board. You choose to believe who you want to believe. I can assure you, it makes no difference to me it you believe what I shared. As stated prior, I gain nothing by sharing if it is correct info, nor lose anything if it is wrong.
do you honesly think hes gonna sign after feeling the way he may feel based on the inside info? geos info is wrong bc he didn't sign. he may not sign ever. we all hope he does. either you have info or you dont. spill your **** if you feel so sure otherwise stop arguing w everyone

So I can't argue with y'all bull**** but y'all can spit your bull**** and pretend its real to spread bad rumors and cry around?

Makes sense.
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