2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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General Question - why would academics prevent someone from signing on early signing day? I understand how it could effect early enrollment - but early signing? If you sign early - you don’t necessarily have to early enroll correct?
General Question - why would academics prevent someone from signing on early signing day? I understand how it could effect early enrollment - but early signing? If you sign early - you don’t necessarily have to early enroll correct?
there has been plenty of players over the years sign early and then not qualify

as much as we want to remain positive, it just doesn't seem likely that the kid woke up 1 hour before he signs and realized he doesn't qualify

more than likely he got talked into waiting by another program or is looking for more money.. until someone provides a shred of evidence to say otherwise then that's what it is

if it was anything else, him or his family could come out and say that they aren't flipping and just working on stuff
Freezing Steve Martin GIF

Just sitting here in South Dakota in -50 wind chill waiting for some good news. Just going to have to start drinking I guess.

Yikes and I thought -5 was bad here in NEO
In true CIS manner it is time to derail thread with a rant on Band Aid's "Do They Know It's Christmas"
1- Thanks a lot A-HOLES for trying to make me feel like crap for being blessed and trying to shove a lump a coal up my **** because some other places have it worse! Jesus F-ing Christ it's Christmas time and you want to Grinch it up.
2- Of course there is no snow in Africa this Christmas or any other Christmas for that matter. You know why? CUS IT'S ******* AFRICA!!! IT DOESN'T SNOW THERE!! In the immortal words of Sam Kinison "THEY LIVE IN A ******* DESERT!!"
3- Thank you Bono you limey Irish potatoe for trying to be the ultimate wet blanket with "Thank God its them instead of you" oooooooh you really know how to spread the cheer don't ya you IRA fvcker (side note don't think he supports them I am just ranting) and guess what Bono that is exactly what you do this freadking time of year you FREAKING LIMERICK!! Christmas is a time to take stock and be thankful of what you have been blessed for. SO GUESS WHAT BOZO!! I am going to thank God, I am going thank the good Lord for all I have been blessed for and pray for those less fortunate because that is what you are supposed to do YOU ROLLING GREEN HILLS NUMBNUT!!
4- And finally do they know it's Christmas time.....ummmm no cus it's F-ING AFRICA!! LAST I CHECKED THEY DON'T KNOW IT CUS THEY DON'T CELEBRATE IT!! F-ING MORONS

ahhhh now I feel better for getting that off my chest.........I still love that song and play it during the holidays.......MERRY CHRISTMAS MOFOS don't ever change CIS......although some of you should definitely change, like alot.
Mt Kilimanjaro. In Africa. Has snow.
there has been plenty of players over the years sign early and then not qualify

as much as we want to remain positive, it just doesn't seem likely that the kid woke up 1 hour before he signs and realized he doesn't qualify

more than likely he got talked into waiting by another program or is looking for more money.. until someone provides a shred of evidence to say otherwise then that's what it is

if it was anything else, him or his family could come out and say that they aren't flipping and just working on stuff

You need to stop making up conspiracies and acting like they're fact. It's terrible and leads to anger directed at the kid.

1/4 posts in Cormani threads is you, with no knowledge, being confident you know what's up.

Just stop already
Hoping to com I here and see some update.
Mid afternoon, yet no announcement he’s signing.
Looks like this is gonna drag till Feb. Yikes.
You need to stop making up conspiracies and acting like they're fact. It's terrible and leads to anger directed at the kid.

1/4 posts in Cormani threads is you, with no knowledge, being confident you know what's up.

Just stop already
what the **** are you talking about? 1/4 of the posts is me?

you guys are blindly assuming sh*t left and right that there is some magical rainbow situation where it's actually fine and for some resaon 1 hour before signing, the #2 prospect in the coutnry decides not to sign

nothing that YOU or anyone else on here has said in terms of academic obstacles makes any sense whatsoever

maybe YOU should stop pretending like you know what the **** you're talking about

i'm insinuating the kid is smart and trying to increase his bag, you're insinuating he's dumb and can't qualify.. tell me which one of those is worse? I have no anger towards the kid at all. I'm bothered that fake *** insiders come on here pretending to know some made up complication when in reality they just read tea leaves on twitter and assume the best
Lost power here in Kent. Work closed, so luckily get to drive back to my hometown during the day instead of at night
yeah we're blessed with power so can't complain.

Really the only inconvenience is having 2 dogs and trying to navigate that luckily
yeah we're blessed with power so can't complain.

Really the only inconvenience is having 2 dogs and trying to navigate that luckily

I live in a new apartment complex, so luckily have great heat retention. Amazed my mom still has power because she lives in the boonies
Pin this porst.

Let's hope this is not indicative of future drama with this young man and our Hurricanes.

Experience and data tells us probability of telenovella bullshît is high during his time (IF he comes) wearing Orange & Green.

You’re full of shlt on this post. Why don’t you have an eggnog and STFU.
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