2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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No Way Reaction GIF by Originals

No PIPO invite?
I totally forgot you’re 🇵🇷
we're about due for a good 'ole official ACT score being held in question.... wasn't Patrick Johnson the last ACT/SAT score scandal?? that someone else took the test for him in a whole different county???
I’ve got a Lakeland/SAT story from a few years back. Dateline type stuff.
The most disappointing thing in all of this is Cribby giving enough information that I thought a national writer would at some point tweet, "Who is Cribby?"

The fact that we never got that moment is a pure tragedy.
Anyone paying for 247 is a dumb Fck.
I’ve told y’all how many times that the **** site was started to keep recruits at the blue blood and sec programs.

Anyone thinking that this class is a loser cause of one dude is stupid.
And ivins has been doing this for too long to be that stupid and not know what Miami just did.

Someone please name the last team to land a top 5 class after the season we just had? And it’s not just the record it’s who we losses to and how.

They get payed to insure the status quo and not disrupt it.

FSU lost their top dude after maybe winning ten games when all is said and done.

This is what he and that site get paid to do. It’s not a some **** conspiracy theory. I mean look who were neck and neck with RK.

DWe won head to head battles with Saban and plucked Michigan’s highest rated recruit while fsu lost one of theirs. But we’re losers??!!

Cancel that subscription man.
Texas had a top 5 class just last year after going 5-7…
Man, when my sources popped off, I would immediately come here and post it. This is a recruiting website not a beauty pageant.
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