Corch monitor notified

[]_[] swag;2297387 said:
Yea Butch is the one that really needs to be on Corch alert

C'mon man. We all know Grohlden, Folden, or whatever metaphor you want is the hottest seat in the country. Crib's just pointing out what most others didn't want to do just yet. And they are practically mirror images of each other, coaching style wise. I wonder who has the biggest binder and the most pillars to build.
Got this out of the Wez , stat of the year. Elite corching

UT had the ball with 1:21 left and 2 timeouts.

They ran 4 plays before the FG.
I'm dropping Charlie Weak's (1-3) name in here just for fun. No worries though, the Corch Monitor will be flashing over Gainesville again sooner rather than later. Will Grier ain't the real deal and McelToof lucked into a win at home over a garbage Tennessee team and an even corchier corch in Botch Jones. The real Butch is ashamed that this fool even tries to use that moniker.
This is a corchfest.

Strong had a good corch day, too. Didn't take a timeout when OSU was running the clock before its tying field goal. Then calling one because of terrible management on their last possession. Is Al Golden corching their special teams?
This is a corchfest.

Strong had a good corch day, too. Didn't take a timeout when OSU was running the clock before its tying field goal. Then calling one because of terrible management on their last possession. Is Al Golden corching their special teams?

No idea why people love Strong.

That said, we are lucky UF went with McElwain. Hopefully we luck into a monster hire.
This is a corchfest.

Strong had a good corch day, too. Didn't take a timeout when OSU was running the clock before its tying field goal. Then calling one because of terrible management on their last possession. Is Al Golden corching their special teams?

No idea why people love Strong.

That said, we are lucky UF went with McElwain. Hopefully we luck into a monster hire.

So you think McElwain is gonna be a failure?
This is a corchfest.

Strong had a good corch day, too. Didn't take a timeout when OSU was running the clock before its tying field goal. Then calling one because of terrible management on their last possession. Is Al Golden corching their special teams?

No idea why people love Strong.

That said, we are lucky UF went with McElwain. Hopefully we luck into a monster hire.

So you think McElwain is gonna be a failure?

I'm not sure about failure but I don't think he is a game changer.