Conspiracy for the U to stay buried.

There's no conspiracy. The football team was good not because of the school, but inspire of it. If it were up to Tad Foote, he would have killed it. Football has changed. It requires a commitment from the university. This school has never cared about the football program and it is evident now.
The only thing we can do is hit em where it hurts. Revenue. Dont attend any games, dont donate ****, dont buy any merchandise.
Thats been my impression too, but why have our academic ratings gone way down? Ten years ago we had moved up in to the 40s. Now we are ~65 and falling fast.

Things haven’t been the same since Tad Foote left.

I honestly don't know why academic ratings have gone down. Don't follow those numbers much. Could be something unrelated, for all I know.
The only thing we can do is hit em where it hurts. Revenue. Dont attend any games, dont donate ****, dont buy any merchandise.

I was wondering about that too. Can we make a measurable impact on AD revenue by doing that or does UM get most of its football money from the ACC, regardless of tv ratings etc?
Two words to describe the OB...

UNCOMFORTABLE! (for visitors)

It was an absolute **** hole that teams/fans hated visiting. Everything from the local neighborhood that they had to drive though, the seats, the visitor's locker rooms, the riff raffs hanging outside the stadium, the insults from the home crowd, the deafening noise, etc...ALL MADE OUR VISITOR'S EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE. But we freakin' loved it. It had character. It was so Miami.

I was a Canes ball boy for 3 seasons. Worked the visitor's sidelines many times. Lots of those teams looked extremely uncomfortable and down right frightened.
I had a visiting team's Pastor tell me that he's been with their team for 20 something years and this is the loudest stadium he's ever been in.

Mach, when were you ball boy? One of my good buddies was a ball boy in the 89-90 time frame although I think you’re a bit younger?
That would be evidence to back up your claim, but it doesn't tell me WHY it was so much better.
The stands were so close to the field that the crowd could intimidate opposing teams. And the stadium itself was a rusted pile of Steele, which made all kinds of noise when the crowd got to screaming and jumping. Again, the crowd was so close to the field that the noise was overwhelming on the field.
Hard Rock Stadium is perfect for the new age of Canes football. There's a zillion things to distract you from the ****-poor football being played by the "home team," four jumbotrons for "Miami fans" to show off their turnover chains, and plenty of space for tailgating - which is by far the most important part of being a "Miami fan" in 2019.
From declining Gary Patterson and Dan Mullen (twice), to hiring Shalala, to eliminating the greatest home field advantage in history of college football the OB after the city agreed to finance the renovations, to hiring these cheap no talent coaches over and over one must ponder whether they simply don’t want us to return at the top of the pyramid at UM. Richt only got approved for a indoor facility after having to front 1million of his own money in order for Ad/President to sign off. It’s a conspiracy. President/AD don’t want UM to win anymore. They don’t want to “The u” to exist anymore. Manny & Co are the problem. But they also are nothing but broken strings on a damaged guitar.
I’ve had my tin foil hat on for several months now.
But there has to be something going on at a higher level for this sht show to be actually getting worse instead of better.
Since we let go of Golden our recruiting has actually improved to the magical blue chip ratio we all have been praying for. We had an oline coach that literally coached a national championship unit.
We had a coach that actually won a national championship as an OC and had enough ten win seasons in the sec to be at least mentioned as a top head coach.
Now we have a dude commanding the offense that was an actual semi productive coach at a crappy sec team and looks like he knows what to do with a qb. And not only that, he was hand picked by lord saban himself to command his offense and teach his qb’s.
But despite all of that this team has actually gotten worse.
Every scenario has to be put on the table. And I mean every **** scenario.
Are people gambling? Is the offensive scheme being run by donors or former players that demand a pro set? Are we losing on purpose to get the ncaa of our backs for some sht that may not even be public? Are we losing on purpose to finally get every single pro set donor off our backs?
Are we losing on purpose just to get dudes mad and see who really is ok with losing and sending them packing?
What happened this season literally makes no sense to me on so many levels that I’m here contemplating silly and inconceivable scenarios.
When they say truth is stranger than fiction they ain’t lying. We’re literally here thinking that either the coaches the admin or the players are losing on purpose. This isn’t the nfl or nba. Losing actually gets you worse players not the other way around.
I’m sure plenty of dudes “want to be canes”. But winning 6 games is just gonna get you lesser talented kids that “want to be canes cause they have no other option”.
It's been over we are Nebraska
There is a difference. NE administration wants to win but can't. Our evil little turds have affirmatively been insuring we can't win since Foote. Butch was an accident not good judgement. Nobody else would take the job, but still he broke the rule of higher only HCs. He screwed them over by being the greatest recruiter ever. After that, Larry and Randy then horrible HC Al, and a freshly fired burnt out HC, back to assistant in Manny. NE keeping trying to higher good coaches.
There is a difference. NE administration wants to win but can't. Our evil little turds have affirmatively been insuring we can't win since Foote. Butch was an accident not good judgement. Nobody else would take the job, but still he broke the rule of higher only HCs. He screwed them over by being the greatest recruiter ever. After that, Larry and Randy then horrible HC Al, and a freshly fired burnt out HC, back to assistant in Manny. NE keeping trying to higher good coaches.
Butch was such a monster holding off bags.....and also knowing who were legit dogs ......the social media game doesn't hide those kids as much anymore. Bad times for the U everything works against it.
Butch was such a monster holding off bags.....and also knowing who were legit dogs ......the social media game doesn't hide those kids as much anymore. Bad times for the U everything works against it.
It would be harder today but Butch also excelled at picking coaching staff. Plus his skill in the ikds was seeing what a kid would look and play like in 3 or 4 years, not just right now. Kids develop differently. That was his secret in player development. The kids he go had not peeked yet. Remember that even the NFL didn't draft Ed Reed until like the 24 pick -- maybe the GOAT. Can't say he was a sleeper by then but still didn't look like top 10 pick?

Things would be different today but I sure as **** would love to give Butch more shot at finding and developing 3 or 4 years of recruits. He did decent at UNC but his Magic come at The U. It is beyond stupid to continue to take the easiest hire out there and pass him by time after time. Hey, hottest chick can crap all over you but you still check her out if she walks over and strike a pose. Manny proved they will never hire Butch.
Mach, when were you ball boy? One of my good buddies was a ball boy in the 89-90 time frame although I think you’re a bit younger?

Early 90's.
I was too young and naïve to understand the magnitude of what was going on around me. I probably came in contact with legends who, at the time, I had no clue about.

I’m just messin w u, I’m only 2-3 yrs behind u.

So we’re both old af

I know my brother, I just retired this past July, and enjoying myself at the present time.

We will figure this out as a family, LOL! But first, fire everyone and get some coaches who know how to coach in here!!! ****
As I stated. Shalala declined renovations. The people in charge didn’t want a certain new group of new acc types coming to little Havana and “that environment”. They stripped away the OB and the U identity for t he Coral Gables/South Beach country club atmosphere.

ACC types would be COUNTRY CLUB nouveau riche. Or old white men and their grandson's .:ttdg2m10mxvzxan.jpg:
For someone who has never been to the OB. Why was it such a massive advantage? Compared to like death valley or another place like that.
You could feel the history as soon as you walked into that place and saw the “CITY OF MIAMI WELCOMES YOU TO THE ORANGE BOWL”. The first time I ever stepped foot inside it gave me the same feel as the first time I saw Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park, or old Tiger Stadium. You could feel the Super Bowls won there, the national championships won there....the glory days of the program was ever present with the huge NCAA 58 game record home winning streak banner. was smack dab in the MIDDLE OF THE CITY OUR UNIVERSITY IS NAMED AFTER!! You could see the skyline of brickell over the palm trees in the open end zone...It felt so miami, and there is no other way to put it.

And the OB was historically one of the only college stadiums that served alcohol at home games, since it was an off-campus stadium not owned by the university. Everyone was drunk as ****. Night games were a better party than most clubs I’ve been to.