Congrats Coach Rumph

U Know

Jan 3, 2013
Catch a lot of flack on the recruiting trail but he did a **** of a job with getting his group ready every game. Dude had one (Elder) proven player entering this season. Now go hit the recruiting trail, lol.

He can clearly coach. If he whiffs next year on the recruiting trail I'll take a crooter
No doubt. We have a lot of technicians on that defense, and the job Rumph did was legit. We haven't had CBs get off of blocks and make open field tackles since 2005.
I've both Defended Rumph & given him flack for his crootin' lol...

But, I've never once rooted against him, he's a Cane legend & has had a pretty good career since being drafted in the 1st round.

I do know for a fact that a lot of the 2018/19 DB's absolutely love Coach Rumph, I've even seen it myself of them talking about him.

With that said, Ima fall back on any criticism I have of him until NSD for 2018... He did a **** of a job this year with the development of Malek Young... I'm looking forward to seeing him get to work with Bandy & Dean.
He can clearly coach. If he whiffs next year on the recruiting trail I'll take a crooter

Bandy needs to be the recruiter. No reason to trade in a guy that can flat out teach the position.

We tackled great, looked good in man and zone, played the ball in the air like you're supposed to, and got off of blocks. You'd trade on the field performance for a recruiter? I guess you and I differ there.
Why wouldn't a kid want to play for an all American, championship winner, and a very solid NFL career. Oh and btw he can coach up these cb's. I don't get it with recruiting sometimes. He shouldn't need To be a great recruiter. Smart money is playing under him.
The guy can coach. Give it time, and the recruits will show too. I'd rather a ST or TE coach be an ace recruiter. CB is too important a position to sacrifice coaching for a recruiting guru who isn't as good teaching the kids.
The guy can coach. Give it time, and the recruits will show too. I'd rather a ST or TE coach be an ace recruiter. CB is too important a position to sacrifice coaching for a recruiting guru who isn't as good teaching the kids.

Hire Corey Raymond
Dude can flat out coach. I'll take a great coach all day and twice on Sundays over a great recruiter.

Our DB's haven't looked this good in years. If we can actually sign Jobe, Frierson, Blades, Hall, Campbell for the next cycle it's a wrap.

I wouldn't want to have to face our D with our ferocious front-7 and that talented defensive backfield.

Already have a baller in Bandy secured and hopefully Dean signs. I also think AC will be a player for us.
I'm optimistic he can get the recruiting going, has some momentum to sell now and some promising relationships with some big time recruits.

Feel like he can improve as a recruiter, but you rarely see a sh*t-house coach suddenly become decent. Give me the guy who actually improves players on field play...
Absolutely. Elder and Colbert had some great tackles this year. And Young looks like a solid contributor for the future.

Rumph can clearly coach.

No doubt. We have a lot of technicians on that defense, and the job Rumph did was legit. We haven't had CBs get off of blocks and make open field tackles since 2005.
I sometimes wonder if the issue Rumph is having with recruiting his former db players has to do with too much familiarity. That is, they know Rumph so well, in particular his teaching, that they feel that they have already received everything Rumph has to offer. Additionally since most have fathers who were professional dbs themselves, Rumph's expertise just isn't a big recruiting pull anyway. In their case, its possible that they would more likely be swayed by everything else about a school except being with Rumph. Or even by the chance to learn from someone totally new to them. Just a thought.
Mike rumph is the 3rd most impressive coach on this staff of assistants coaching wise behind diaz and kuligowski
Certainly a high end upgrade from fu**ing Paul Williams. What a corch that guy was, and he couldn't recruit to save his life. Glad we have Rumph, but he needs to close on these Heritage lineman.