MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread(Its still personal)

I'm seeing some stuff about fusion.

Commercial fusion is about 4-5 decades away. Hype click-bait will tell you that we've done it but that's not correct. The National Ignition Facilitys recent break-even announcement of putting 2 megajouls in and getting 3 out is true. The laser system that produce the initial two megajoules required 300 megajoules. So let's not get carried away.

What comes next after these demonstrators is ITER. It has been in the works and under construction for almost 40 years. Its construction was delayed by COVID and delayed again by Russia invading Ukraine since Russia is one of the primary partners. When this facility turns on (scheduled late 20s likely mid 30s) it is supposed to be the first true demonstration of fusion break-even.

Next generation after that is called DEMO which the United States is not signed on to (yet). It will be the first commercial fusion reactor demonstrator based on ITER and it's slated to go online in 2057. Over the following decades we will begin to see commercial fusion reactors go online.

Sorry to be tearing down hopes once again but all of us here will be beyond retirement age or dead when fusion takes hold. Who knows maybe we'll be free of the GOR by then.
Lawyers generally don't watch legal show as they are not in touch with legal reality and procedure
the funniest thing about suits is that in a real life courtroom, Mike would have been figured out within a millisecond esp early on when he wasn't in the NY Bar yet lol.
The rumor mill said the plans was B10 for the 2026 season, but because of FSU's bluster, it seemed like something might happen earlier. Meanwhile, because nothing happened, even though it likely will before 2026, the naysayers are taking victory laps?
This thread is Keyser Soze. And just like that, it was gone. Until the devil returns, it’s been real and thoroughly enjoyable.

Thank You mopes and slurped alike. You are all my people. This has been must read for months!

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