MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Jul 13, 2014
Look, anybody who didn’t see this coming even before today is completely blind. But after USC and UCLA are looking to bolt, it’s definite. The ACC is dead. There are no more marquee programs in big markets to poach. So it’s time to get out of this godforsaken conference and be proactive.

I’ve been told that some conversations have already taken place, and frankly with who our AD is now, I’d have been shocked had that not happened. But it’s time to join the SEC. The writing is on the wall in size 1000 font that within the next several years, there will be 2 “superconferences” of at least 18 teams each. Probably more. They will be the SEC and B1G.

Now, we have an advantage here. I don’t think there’s any scenario where we’re left out in the cold, because obviously Miami is a desirable market for any conference. So we *should* be fine. But it’s time to be proactive. There is no reason to be aligned with Tobacco Road any longer. The revenues provided to member institutions of the SEC and B1G will probably be MORE THAN DOUBLE those of the ACC very soon. So, the sooner the better here. I hope we’re not hanging only any sense of loyalty to the ACC. It’s time to do what’s best for this university and that is to move IMMEDIATELY to the SEC.

Let’s hope the leadership understands the criticality of this. We cannot afford to be left behind. My guess is we’ll be in the SEC no later than 2025. If not, it’s a massive failure.
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When this happens, welcome to 11-5 being a great record, expanded playoffs and the same things that made the NFL less exciting than college football for years

Disagree. There is no reason to do that, aside from an expanded playoff. The revenues are already there with the current model. Almost everyone is in agreement that longer schedules are not desirable. The NFL has 32 teams and play 17 games. No reason the SEC or Big 22 can’t have 24 members and play 12 games.
Disagree. There is no reason to do that, aside from an expanded playoff. The revenues are already there with the current model. Almost everyone is in agreement that longer schedules are not desirable. The NFL has 32 teams and play 17 games. No reason the SEC or Big 22 can’t have 24 members and play 12 games.
If not longer schedules, losses will be deemphasized and there will be more of them for the top teams. Theres just more losses on the schedule when cutting out all the low-mid level P5 teams.
When this happens, welcome to 11-5 being a great record, expanded playoffs and the same things that made the NFL less exciting than college football for years

Each game no longer matters. Back in the day every single college game mattered if you wanted a shot at a championship which made it great. Now losing 1,2 games you still may get in.

Like you said with mega conferences it could be 4 loss teams getting in. It’s while pro football is great to watch but hard to truly care deeply about each game cause ultimately a loss on Sunday doesn’t really matter. Just got to make the playoffs. Sad day for college sports but Miami has to jump and jump quick. I think they try the BIG to be honest. Better schools academically and better basketball which Miami wants. I don’t think the SEC is the play here
Are USC and UCLA to the B1G? What do Westwood and Iowa City have in common? It’s business now. There’s no tradition or geographical alignment. It’s professional sports.
The Big 10 has standards that the SEC doesn't. I'd say USC and UCLA have more in common with University of Michigan and Ohio State than we do with Vandy and UGA.
I thought I saw somewhere (might’ve been in Cane Mutiny) the only reason we’re not in the SEC right now is because the Turds (as an original member) contested us being admitted as they wanted to be the only Florida team in the conference and the other members conceded to that although there were some who were initially for us joining the conference? That flirtation was in the mid to late 60’s or so. Is that true or did I just make that up? 🤔