Coley Battle Down to the Wire

To everyone in this thread that is acting like a ******- man the **** up and get used to disappointment. Not everything in life works out the way we want/planned, so stop being a whiny little ***** about it. So Collins didn't work out. We move on, work hard with our remaining recruits and we look towards the future.

Give Golden time to orchestrate his masterful winning season this year so he can tear through other school's ******** from 2014 forward and stop trying to blame Peter, Cash, or any other recruiting insider for their opinions not becoming reality.

We have less than 24 hours until NSD is here, grab your balls and hold the **** on. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow.
Of all of his recruiters, he's closest to Dawsey at FSU. I think he's a Nole. Rumor has been that he didn't want to upset Bennett.
All this meltdown just bcuz collins picked Arkansas??? Wth is wrong with you ppl. Collins was different kind of guy. He listens to country music etc. coley is a cane, he is friends with most of 2012 miami kids.. Unlike collins
Of all of his recruiters, he's closest to Dawsey at FSU. I think he's a Nole. Rumor has been that he didn't want to upset Bennett.

rumors r rumors for a reason. theyre not true all the time. everyone is postulating based off what people think it is to be the case but in the end these kids r gonna go to where they feel comfortable and no one knows whats in their heads. REPEAT NO ONE. stop taking everything that articles and rumors mention as fact. itll be done w tom.
All this meltdown just bcuz collins picked Arkansas??? Wth is wrong with you ppl. Collins was different kind of guy. He listens to country music etc. coley is a cane, he is friends with most of 2012 miami kids.. Unlike collins

Well why didn't you saw something about this last night? Explains everything and would have saved at least 1000 posts over the last 24 hours. Certainly no one can fault him for going to B-F-E Arkysaw if he listens to country musac.... gosh darn!
did anyone hear what collins had to say about his choice to arky. he was closer to their coaches and it wasnt anything bout the school or the program. stop taking it to heart about him. Miami is the better choice and im sure he knows it and knew it but he just felt more comfortable w beliema. cant blame him and it def sounds like gatewood help nurture that relationship. it is what it is people we never get em all especially when there are outside factors in play.
All this meltdown just bcuz collins picked Arkansas??? Wth is wrong with you ppl. Collins was different kind of guy. He listens to country music etc. coley is a cane, he is friends with most of 2012 miami kids.. Unlike collins

And plays lacrosse and the piano. In other words, there is a lot of sunshine in this young man's life.
A northeast coach literally called into a Canes radio show and said Coley was going to Miami...and somehow I still think he's going to ****** *** fsu
In my opinion it's good for Miami that he didnt tell his coach his decision. He knows coach Bennett is a UM guy and I think he hasn't told him because he wants to surprise Bennett on signing day and pick UM. I'd rather get it OverWith and tell my coach in goin to FSU before hand then tell disappoint him on signing day.....or..nothing I said could be true at at all and he could be a Nole. Yeah I'm looking to far into this..**** it....I'm hungry..Finna go get Popeyes
Coley is going to be the reverse of Collins IMO, but I still think it ends badly for us. I think his coaches, who want UM, think he's leaning Miami,and maybe he's even hinted that, but has said he's undecided. Meanwhile, family wants FSU, and he's probably going to go FSU, because THIS will be the ONE F*CKING kid who actually DOES listen to his mother, not like the rest of our Gawd **** recruits.
All this meltdown just bcuz collins picked Arkansas??? Wth is wrong with you ppl. Collins was different kind of guy. He listens to country music etc. coley is a cane, he is friends with most of 2012 miami kids.. Unlike collins

what is wrong with country music,?? that has to be the stupidest comment made so far.
If he did decide and told Bennett would Bennett really reveal it? Would he let everybody know a decision is made? **** no!!!! Coley and everybody close to him would get blown up wy not just wait and keep people guessing but as far as disappointing Bennett Coley has had FSU up there forever so commiting there wont be a shock at all