Coaching Staff Update: 1/9

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You Stubblefield nuthuggers have absolutely no justification for the nonsense you're spewing about improvement.

Osborn was better at Buffalo by a significant amount.
Harley was fine, but his numbers are just a result of an increased volume of balls his way. He didn't break out at all. Marketshare was still sub 20%. I'd expect a breakout NOW under the new Lashlee system, but thats not on Stubblefield. Harley is just going to get a ton more balls in this offense.
Wiggins was and performed like a WR4. He'll have a chance to "show potential" this year, but again, that will be because of opportunity and the offense.
Jeff Thomas took a significant step backward.
Mark Pope did next to nothing. Again, he'll see an increased number of passes come his way in 2020. He was a sub 10% share player in 2020.

Stubblefield did nada to justify his job. Keeping him is laughable.
This guy gets it.
I didn’t know you were a chef.

Yes, here’s my favorite kitchen knife:

I'm guessing your hoping for that. I really don't understand wtf is wrong with this fan base. Instead of supporting your team and HC and hoping he bounces back and we start winning you want to see him fail so you can say I told you so.

I would definitely rather see Manny learn from his mistakes, evolve his game, and implement changes in order to succeed. I want wins, and so do most fans on this message board. Most fans don't actually want to see losses, even if it will hasten Manny's potential departure.

But when we see poor results, false bravado, and dead weight on the staff being kept around, it is serious cause for concern. There is a strong possibility Manny may never get it right.