Clemson players said miami quit early


Jul 11, 2013
Andrea aldelson said clemson players told her that and said it was embarrassing. She said it isn't the first time a acc opponent has questioned Miami's efforrt.

That's a problem and when butch gets back he needs to dump some of golden soft *** players off the team. We need toughness back in this **** program because this soft **** has been going on too long.
Don't blame them. It's a hopeless situation, and in hopeless situations players give up. They have been quitting under Folden since he got here. Every year they quit.

Anyone who knows football will tell you that when a team quits it means they've lost faith in the coach. They've thrown up the white flag looking to be rescued.
I scream for ice cream!!
Photo shoot at brunch!
The players have instincts and with the right coach most will return to the badasses they once where.
Look at most CFB teams, the players reflect their leaders..
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Seriously, don't even try to blame the players. I would quit on an idiot that as proven he's an idiot over and over and over again.
I hear what y'all are saying but i'm like **** i expected them lose but 58-0 is some next level ****. Maybe with a better coach you would get a better effort but ****.

It's crazy they are going to let that ***** "coach" in year 5, after a game like that.
We looked like one of those early season cupcake games for a top 10 team. One of those games where people joke that they are "check" games and the team should bring crutches. We had no business being on the field with Clemson due to this school and staffs practices. In my brief moment of joy after the loss thinking that even the inept leadership of Miami had to see this and finally do the right thing, Franchises angry post about Al keeping starters in down 50 hit me with reality. Rashawn Scott was laying in a hospital bed, and you could make a **** strong argument it was principally because of this incompetent coachs' decisions. He's way, way, out of his league. I'm not blaming players at all. No one in their right mind would think that they were going play to save his *** this year. You can't lay that on a bunch of kids.
These kids go into games expecting to lose, folding like a lounge chair is not their fault, it's their expectation before the whistle even starts!
Our clown show administration has failed fans, alumni, and most importantly, the players. The players have quit on Golden for the last three years (at least) and none of the "adults" have been paying attention. The school keeps sending them out there like sacrificial lambs. It's like the coal mine operator cutting back on safety and infrastructure for years and years and then being surprised when the mine collapses on everyone.
I don't understand quitters. If you want to quit, don't put on the uniform. Transfer. If you quit on one coach, you'll quit on another one. Quitters always find a good "reason".
Rashawn Scott wishes he would have quit instead of sacrificing his body and career to get Folden a cheap score in a 51-0 game so that Folden didn't look quite as bad.
The players tapped out, but Al Mazzigatti refused to call off the pounding as he is getting paid by the round and almost got Rashawn Scott killed out there.
Don't blame them. It's a hopeless situation, and in hopeless situations players give up. They have been quitting under Folden since he got here. Every year they quit.

Anyone who knows football will tell you that when a team quits it means they've lost faith in the coach. They've thrown up the white flag looking to be rescued.

Again, Fraulden has lost the team. They quit on Fraulden the INCOMPETENT.
Clemson player also said they were worried about talking more than playing.

This is something I have noticed the past few years. Our players talk and celebrate after everything. EVEN DOWN 50 they are still talking.
Nothing new, but extra sad when the opposing team respects the U brand more than its own players to make those comments.
Who cares about the whole talking thing. Yall will cry and say we are soft if we dont talk **** and get in someone's face. The fact that we have a team full of savages that will get in your face shows you the have some dog in them. but who wants to risk injuries and play hard for a ***** *** loser coach that wont make adjustments, has the look as if he is already checked out on the sidelines, wont make adjustments, and will throw you under the bus after the game?
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