Clemson - Bama

Because they'll get theirs Clemsons playing the pass more to stop the huge plays but they wouldn't absolutely dominate on the ground
Thinking too much of it. They just think their D-line is better than Bama O-line. They were right.
You don’t be ridiculous. That’s a type of game that catapults you. All that hype this Bama team had...all the work ESPN put in for them...this definitely catapulted them past Bama.
Bama will be back next year bro. Don’t get carried away.
Thinking too much of it. They just think their D-line is better than Bama O-line. They were right.
But that's just it they don't have to sell out to stop the run so focus on the pass **** the run you won't beat us in the red zone which as we've seen is true

The most beautiful sight....
Bama came in with the old, "impose our will, play our game" ****, Clemson was beyond ready. Baton has been passed by this thrashing.
You don’t be ridiculous. That’s a type of game that catapults you. All that hype this Bama team had...all the work ESPN put in for them...this definitely catapulted them past Bama.
Not disagreeing with you but still Bama ain’t going nowhere