Clemson - Bama

The funniest thing is that this kinda racist **** is gonna eventually be targeted at the South Florida traitors that go there. I almost feel bad for them and their families when things go south there for any prolonged period. Almost.
Oh, no doubt it has racial undertones. It goes to the root of that state’s history.
It’s nice to watch Bama lose with all their 💰💰, but Clemson is just as guilty of dropping 💰 too. It’s kinda bitter sweet to me. Wish cfb would make an even playing field (won’t happen). While I type this old man Jobe gets burned makes it a little sweeter.
God **** we had better be wearing our big boy pants when we play these guys. Nasty!

Hand it to Dabo, and Venables.
Alabama native and True Fr Clemson WR Justyn Ross is abusing Alabega’s DBs right in front of Saban who prides himself on great secondary play. You can’t make this stuff up.
The ref didn't look too happy about making the call that the runner was down.