Chip Kelly Fired!!

I'm not terribly happy that Richt doesn't have the DC locked down yet. Kelly's release is going to set off another bidding war in the coaching business.
If he somehow ends up at Texas, that conference will have a legitimate claim for the best conference of coaches.
Probably end up the OC at Bama for $5 mil a year. Lol.

Wouldn't shock me

Chip strikes me as an egomaniac! I can't see him going back as an OC for anyone, especially at Saban's place. CK wouldn't want to credit Nik for any development.

I was just joking I don't think he would ever go there to work under Saban...

While this is so unlikely to happen it isn't funny, but were it to....**** that would be a scary team.
The Potato Chip crumbles! Good riddance to RUBBISH!

Richt to Eagles?
im dead *** trying to figure out whats the infatuation with this guy, dmoney anyone help. u cant win without defense and mr looks like he knows the formula.
My money is on Kelly going to Tennessee. At the very least, it's the first phone call is agent is making. He would cream in his pants to get Mariota back. With that said, a lot of people should look at San Francisco. He has the mobile QB he is looking for assuming they keep kap, and Tomsula was a stupid hire to begin with as a HC.
He's a college coach.. and I hope his punk *** realizes that.. Just like Spurrier, Just like Calipari ,Just like Petino, some guys just aren't meant to coach in the league.. Others are league lifers like bruce arians

I don't agree, but I think Kelly's problem is he can't adjust to his personnel. If he does not have the players that fit his system, he won't succeed (although he did pretty well with Foles in year 1). I don't think Kelly is elite in the NFL, because of that reason and his ego, but I think he could be successful, moreso than Spurrier was at least.
Word is, Chip was asked to give up a little personnel control. Chip balked at the idea. Lurie said, "g'bye"!
My money is on Kelly going to Tennessee. At the very least, it's the first phone call is agent is making. He would cream in his pants to get Mariota back. With that said, a lot of people should look at San Francisco. He has the mobile QB he is looking for assuming they keep kap, and Tomsula was a stupid hire to begin with as a HC.

SF would make a lot of sense. My guess is he will stay as close to east coast as he can.