Chick Hates Golden

What does chick know?! **** him and **** swasey

Oh, I don't know. He only played under Folden for 4 years and saw how they ***ked him and other player's potential up.

The real question is...what the **** do you know?

You never played for the U or for Folden, yet you profess to tell a dude who did that he's full of ****?

You're a special kind of stupid!

LMAO! You tell him! Good stuff!

Thanks, Francis!

Just keeping it real.
Everybody loves to hate on Swasey but nobody here knows what he does. You base your opinions off of what you see on the field, which can be completely misleading. A team that lacks talent and/or coaching will look weak at times. You guys actually think Miami was the stronger team on the field when we used to beat up on Nebraska back in the day? LOL (no)

We've had players at Miami that measure/test extremely well. Swasey seemed to work for those guys. Are you saying there's an S&C coach in the country who could actually have AQM looking better than he already does? I've seen our players up close and personnel...shirtless (no warchant)...and our kids look the part. (minus the O-line, they currently look terrible)

A lot of our poor physiques and poor measureables can be attributed to recruiting. I don't give a **** who your S&C coach is, Terry McCray ain't never gonna test well. THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T RECRUIT KIDS LIKE THAT!!!! You look at the big time athletes that we recruited and those are the guys that test well.

Miami was never the strongest team in the country, we were the fastest and most explosive. We had guys with fast forties and high verticals. Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Jon Vilma, Sean Taylor, Warren Sapp, Clinton Portis, etc...were not weight room warriors. Trent Richardson was however. Would you take him over Frank Gore?

I bet you can't show me single monster in the country that wasn't already a monster before he met his S&C coach.

I'll guarantee you that our S&C numbers will not improve at all under Richt, we'll just look more conditioned cause he'll recruit better athletes and we'll play faster.

Golden was out there recruiting LB's that bench 265 and CB's that run 4.6's and yall expect Swasey to turn us into a strong and fast team? LOL
Swasey has to go. If for no other reason than he's been here too long with marginal results. At this point we need change for the sake of change.

You say that like he is the head coach or something. He is a fkin S&C coach, he is not out there calling plays or designing schemes and game plans lmao. the results on the field have little to do with the gotdam SC coach.

Everybody that has trained/played under Swasey loves the guy. Pros come to train with him. Only people who complain about him are on message boards and twitter.

my friend loves him says he did what golden wanted.
So is Tommy Moffitt an elite S&C coach because he does what Les Miles tells him to do? Swasey needs to go.

Moffitt hasn't been able to keep LSU from putting up very poor results the last couple years.

Message board dudes overrate the SC coach. They all look at the same programs and know the same stuff these days. The HC tells them what he wants, and they do it.

Remember Folden's obsession with weight numbers and his desire to bloat everyone up to fit his plodding defense? Swaysey didn't make Folden think that way.

I've got no problem if Richt fires Swaysey. I think there is some benefit to cleaning house and getting the stench of losing out of here. But I'm also sure Swaysey could implement whatever Richt tells him to do.
Completely agree with Coach Macho. Miami has always outsped everyone, not outmuscled. When Golden came he wanted ro completely reverse what we are. And that automatically made it so Swasey had to focus more on strength and less on speed. This is why i think our guys look out of condition at times.

Its not like imopposed to an improvement in S&C coach, just never understood why everyone wants to scapegoat him
Everybody loves to hate on Swasey but nobody here knows what he does. You base your opinions off of what you see on the field, which can be completely misleading. A team that lacks talent and/or coaching will look weak at times. You guys actually think Miami was the stronger team on the field when we used to beat up on Nebraska back in the day? LOL (no)

We've had players at Miami that measure/test extremely well. Swasey seemed to work for those guys. Are you saying there's an S&C coach in the country who could actually have AQM looking better than he already does? I've seen our players up close and personnel...shirtless (no warchant)...and our kids look the part. (minus the O-line, they currently look terrible)

A lot of our poor physiques and poor measureables can be attributed to recruiting. I don't give a **** who your S&C coach is, Terry McCray ain't never gonna test well. THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T RECRUIT KIDS LIKE THAT!!!! You look at the big time athletes that we recruited and those are the guys that test well.

Miami was never the strongest team in the country, we were the fastest and most explosive. We had guys with fast forties and high verticals. Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Jon Vilma, Sean Taylor, Warren Sapp, Clinton Portis, etc...were not weight room warriors. Trent Richardson was however. Would you take him over Frank Gore?

I bet you can't show me single monster in the country that wasn't already a monster before he met his S&C coach.

I'll guarantee you that our S&C numbers will not improve at all under Richt, we'll just look more conditioned cause he'll recruit better athletes and we'll play faster.

Golden was out there recruiting LB's that bench 265 and CB's that run 4.6's and yall expect Swasey to turn us into a strong and fast team? LOL

Spot on. No S & C coach is going to turn a slug into Usain Bolt or a weakling into Bill Kazmaier. It all goes back to the type of athletes you recruit and the attributes the kid comes to UM with.

Corch Macho is also correct that UM beat people with speed and not bulk. JJ used to recruit big safeties and move them to LB and big LBs and move them to the DL. His philosophy was that you can't teach speed and quickness and that speed and quickness defeats slow bulk.
I don't know what Swasey does. That's the thing. And I'm not gonna judge him based on what I see during games cause I know that's not a true measure of S&C. Shoot, I worked with arguably the best high school S&C coach in South Florida and our kids were extremely conditioned but it never seemed to matter when we played Miramar. (a team with no S&C program)
He's been here for not 1, not 2, but THREE failed coaching regimes.

No coach spends more time with the team than he does.

After 15 years of misery, I'd like a fresh start at S&C. I believe he is a major problem. But even if you are unsure, isn't it the safest bet to start fresh? These kids could use a totally new voice on that weight room. Enough already.

Macho, I'm disappointed, you said last week Swasey should go. Did he find out and get mad at you? Is that why you are pulling a 180?
Keep him, fire him, whatever., But blaming him for any part of our sucking is ridiculous. We sucked because out HCs sucked. They didn't know what they were doing or how to hire people who did.
agree with Macho... the polarizing Sappster doe...I recall him being country strong and a monster in the weight room
Keep him, fire him, whatever., But blaming him for any part of our sucking is ridiculous. We sucked because out HCs sucked. They didn't know what they were doing or how to hire people who did.

So wouldn't this logic be applicable to all coaches? Would you be happy if we kept D'Ono?

Does it not make sense to get rid of a coach who has only ever been the head of S&C under three of the worst Miami regimes in history.
I trust Mark Richt knows what a real S&C program should look like. I'm sure that will play in his decision as to whether he keeps Swasey or not.

Doesn't Swasey manage the S&C for all athletics? I feel like we need one savage dedicated to football.
I trust Mark Richt knows what a real S&C program should look like. I'm sure that will play in his decision as to whether he keeps Swasey or not.

Doesn't Swasey manage the S&C for all athletics? I feel like we need one savage dedicated to football.

Let Swasey be the personal trainer for all the swimmers and soccer players. Fine with me. His entire career has been with failed staff after failed staff. Guy has the stink of THREE loser HCs on him.
Everybody loves to hate on Swasey but nobody here knows what he does. You base your opinions off of what you see on the field, which can be completely misleading. A team that lacks talent and/or coaching will look weak at times. You guys actually think Miami was the stronger team on the field when we used to beat up on Nebraska back in the day? LOL (no)

We've had players at Miami that measure/test extremely well. Swasey seemed to work for those guys. Are you saying there's an S&C coach in the country who could actually have AQM looking better than he already does? I've seen our players up close and personnel...shirtless (no warchant)...and our kids look the part. (minus the O-line, they currently look terrible)

A lot of our poor physiques and poor measureables can be attributed to recruiting. I don't give a **** who your S&C coach is, Terry McCray ain't never gonna test well. THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T RECRUIT KIDS LIKE THAT!!!! You look at the big time athletes that we recruited and those are the guys that test well.

Miami was never the strongest team in the country, we were the fastest and most explosive. We had guys with fast forties and high verticals. Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, Jon Vilma, Sean Taylor, Warren Sapp, Clinton Portis, etc...were not weight room warriors. Trent Richardson was however. Would you take him over Frank Gore?

I bet you can't show me single monster in the country that wasn't already a monster before he met his S&C coach.

I'll guarantee you that our S&C numbers will not improve at all under Richt, we'll just look more conditioned cause he'll recruit better athletes and we'll play faster.

Golden was out there recruiting LB's that bench 265 and CB's that run 4.6's and yall expect Swasey to turn us into a strong and fast team? LOL

this is common sense, i said it 100 times u recruit allen bailey and hes a beast where ever he goes
I think if you ask most players you'll find that Swasey does a good job. To Prout them with this team has not been Swayze but the coaches
I think if you ask most players you'll find that Swasey does a good job. To Prout them with this team has not been Swayze but the coaches

He's gotten horrid results under THREE DIFFERENT COACHES. At what point do you say "it's time to move on from a guy who has been apart of nothing but endless failure?"

What's crazy is that the dude has a great racket going. Like Wario, he uses his friendships to make him seem like he's some valued asset to the school. Dude's been stealing checks for years.