Chaney involved in car accident

He’s fine

prayer GIF
anyone know exactly when this pic was taken? knowing nothing about when mark light was built just looking at the fact that there is no metro rail and the cars it has to be no later than the mid 70's.

Towers were completed in 1968. So it has to be after that.

Mark Light Stadium was built between 1972 and 1973.

So it has to be within that time period from 1968-1972.
Solid reporting by the Herald . . .

“From what we saw, the ambulances didn’t rush out, which most likely means it wasn’t deadly,” Raeden Goldblum, a Lambda member and bystander, said.
Or we already declared them dead…
I’ve been beating the drums for what i think Chaney can be. I would have been heartbroken if he was injured from this 😭
I love pics like this. Thanks for sharing. Never knew there was an old school railway where the MetroRail was built. I'm guessing it was part of the Flagler line which ran to Key West? Look at all the empty lots across San Amaro. No stoplight at San Amaro and Ponce.
It was the old FEC railway. I had a public policy prof who said they had been bought out by CSX during a discussion on industry consolidation. I asked him if he was certain as I drove over the tracks every day. He insisted so I chose the FEC Railway to write my term paper on.
This is why college football is so fun to me. "Head Coach shows basic human decency" makes him stand out amongst his peers.

Putting aside the wins and losses, I always respected the heck out of Golden for the care that he showed Malcolm Lewis immediately after he suffered that horrific foot injury in 2012.



Can you imagine Nick Saban doing that?

Or after his dismissal, going to see Artie Burns mother in the hospital.

Donald Chaney Jr. is doing fine and didn't sustain any injuries in a car accident just off the University of Miami's campus Thursday in Coral Gables, his father told the Miami Herald. “No injuries,” Don Chaney Jr. said in a text message, “doing well.” (from: miami Herald)