Chad Thomas 50/50

Reilly Gibbons and Brandon Powell

Gibbons did it for the degree & Powell got strung along... Still rustled here but not bc of those examples.

If CT is as passionate as most say he is about music then he will be a Cane tomorrow.
I also love that this whole visit was played off as Chad just wanting a different "experience." Well, what happens when Chad realizes he likes that "experience" more than his Miami "experience?"

Bottom line is...your top recruit is visiting a CFB juggernaut the weekend before signing day. Everyones jimmies should have been a little rustled at least.
I highly doubt he flips, but if so it will be the meltdown to end all meltdowns. Good Lord.
I also love that this whole visit was played off as Chad just wanting a different "experience." Well, what happens when Chad realizes he likes that "experience" more than his Miami "experience?"

Bottom line is...your top recruit is visiting a CFB juggernaut the weekend before signing day. Everyones jimmies should have been a little rustled at least.
if it wasn't a BTW kid i bet golden would have told him not to visit just like saban. we just couldn't risk another situation like last year.
I just dont see him going to bama. he has stood up as a leader and someone who is not a follower. i think he continues to be a leader and sticks with the Hurricanes.
Thomas attrition would beyond unacceptable, done with Golden if it happens. We've been excusing everything to this point. See the Singletary rant for adequate feeling.
So TV announces today that he is 50/50 and it's all a stunt to get some hype for his announcement....

Chad announces today that he is 50/50 and he gone....

I don't know what to think with you people!!

So TV announces today that he is 50/50 and it's all a stunt to get some hype for his announcement....

Chad announces today that he is 50/50 and he gone....

I don't know what to think with you people!!


Have you not followed UM recruiting for the last month?
If he does go to Bama, is it safe to say he'll instantly be the pinnacle of every Miami fans most hated list?

I still think he's a Cane, though.