Cave is in!

My only think about Cave is why Penn State and Ohio State didn't push for him. He is a good pick up but I feel some of our pickups are Plan A for us and Plan B and C at upper level P5 schools.

And that might be the case....but we also haven't been an upper level P5 school for a long time.
So we can keep chasing rainbows and unicorns and end up with bad numbers and bad options....or we can accept the reality and needs of our situation. Secure good players Sign a good full class that will help us get back to being upper level P5 school and keep recruiting.
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Couldn't Evan get through one page before I had to leave Tony's stupid rederic. I hope the thread got back on track by normal thinking ppl.

BTW, welcome to the u cave. Some of us appreciate you.
"I don't think winning creates recruiting"

Well we will just have to respectfully disagree on that one.
I believe consistently putting out a winning team year after year (winning your division, winning your conference, winning bowl games) allows you to consistently recruit at a higher level.

Sure. But that doesn’t create recruiting.
If I sell you a box of ****, eventually you’re going to stop buying the box.
But that doesn’t speak to my ability to sell you the box.
I have no idea how good this guy plays, but a cousin of mine lives in the same building as his cousin and they tell me that there is no chance this is going to be one of those "soft out of state kids". If he is half as tough as his cousin he will have Hedley ****ing in his pants in the locker room.
Can't imagine where he is from he would be soft. Lets hope he can play.
I can’t believe any so called evaluator think they can tell how good a kid going to be. Especially when try try and use size and speed as the components of their decision. It’s about work ethic, dedication, and commitment. Now you find a physical freak with those tangibles, yes they are 5 stars most likely in my opinion. But these guys think they are gurus because they know that much. Man give these kids a chance without your filthy lost predictions. I’d never do a kid lie that. Ford said “ s
Lol. Wut?
What information do you want me to provide to prove I’m right? How many 3 stars vs 5 stars that get drafted? How long their career in the nfl? Or hw successful their college career is? Tell me?
Put it like this, none of the LBs we have now are athletic enough to be an ideal fit at striker. Strikers are usually converted DBs that can cover and don't mind getting physical.

A striker is just an in the box safety. I dont know why fans on this board has created this myth like its some magical position.

Flagg compares NONE like Jaquan Johnson at all....and is 5'10 220 pds right now. NO WAY HE PLAYS STRIKER HERE. In fact the striker is already committed in the class.
A striker is just an in the box safety. I dont know why fans on this board has created this myth like its some magical position.

Flagg compares NONE like Jaquan Johnson at all....and is 5'10 220 pds right now. NO WAY HE PLAYS STRIKER HERE. In fact the striker is already committed in the class.
I know exactly what a striker is.

Idk if you're confused or what, but I never said Jaquan compares to Flagg. U may want to re read the thread.
I can’t believe any so called evaluator think they can tell how good a kid going to be. Especially when try try and use size and speed as the components of their decision. It’s about work ethic, dedication, and commitment. Now you find a physical freak with those tangibles, yes they are 5 stars most likely in my opinion. But these guys think they are gurus because they know that much. Man give these kids a chance without your filthy lost predictions. I’d never do a kid lie that. Ford said “ s

What information do you want me to provide to prove I’m right? How many 3 stars vs 5 stars that get drafted? How long their career in the nfl? Or hw successful their college career is? Tell me?

Sure. Although don’t use “how many,” use “% of.”
I can’t believe any so called evaluator think they can tell how good a kid going to be. Especially when try try and use size and speed as the components of their decision. It’s about work ethic, dedication, and commitment. Now you find a physical freak with those tangibles, yes they are 5 stars most likely in my opinion. But these guys think they are gurus because they know that much. Man give these kids a chance without your filthy lost predictions. I’d never do a kid lie that. Ford said “ s

What information do you want me to provide to prove I’m right? How many 3 stars vs 5 stars that get drafted? How long their career in the nfl? Or hw successful their college career is? Tell me?

Amen, so dead on.