Can't believe Georgia ******* Tech

Straight from the message board goon playbook. "Take the L and go away.............because I can't keep up".

It has been awhile since I came across someone with such a fragile ego.

You must be a woman because you are using the arguing tactics of a female.

Matt Rhule and Baylor is what got you trying to save face? A program trying to clean up a criminal regime of guns, violence, drugs, and *** assault? They took scumbags and let them run roughshod over Waco and ignored it because they were winning football games.

That program needed a complete overhaul.

You want to compare that to a group with a few players loafing because they being lead by a semi retired, head up his *** coach? Then followed him up with another staff stubbornly corching them to losses to teams they should have beaten by three touchdowns.?

Then when they pull their heads out of their asses and do the obvious and win, it’s because of “culture”?

You want players to buy in, practice hard, do the right thing, watch extra film? You want them to be accountable and unselfish?

Here’s the thing. As the leader you have to show yourself to be accountable, unselfish, but most of all, competent. That’s the first step to buying in. Otherwise you’re just a self righteous hypocritical buffoon destroying the carreers of young men who could be anywhere, but choose to trust you to lead them to their dreams.

All the other nonsense you are talking is bullshyt and enabling garbage, incompetent coaching.

I won’t be responding to your trolling anymore.

Que the passive-aggressive estrogen laced babble stamped Panama City Cane. It will be the last word in this conversation unless you just be a man (or just st act like one) and take the L you earned.