Canes vs Middle Tennessee

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If Mario doesn’t change his OC and mentality he will get run out the building and the city
The "city" already doesn't care. The expected bump in local excitement and attendance that just the hiring of MC was supposed to bring just hasn't happened. Yet another sparse crowd today.
The problem with this offense is that it’s too slow & the QB is missing throws. This guy’s offense is slower than Enos
They've come out with tempo and trying to throw. TVD can't hit anything. I'd ******* run the ball too if my supposed star QB couldn't throw a ******* out and stares down receivers
stop this **** bro. its middle Tennessee. its cool you like cafecito time down in gables bc he gives you good burgers or w.e. but this is a failure. his own unit he takes pride in can't block for **** today.

It's mind boggling to see these comments. So now we need a complete rebuild to beat MTSU. Crazy at the love affair with Mario.

All you have to do is look at his track record. Every single year as a HC he loses 1-2 games he should never lose.
I don’t think our offense can work fast enough to cut into this lead by the end of 4 quarters.
It's mind boggling to see these comments. So now we need a complete rebuild to beat MTSU. Crazy at the love affair with Mario.

All you have to do is look at his track record. Every single year as a HC he loses 1-2 games he should never lose.
Corch Macho loves Mario.
Why do you guys feel like new coaching can offset 3+ years of unaccountability, bad recruiting, bad culture and overall mediocracy?

It doesn't work that way.
Correct. However, TVD's body language and demeanor are awful right now. This is shocking based on last year. He looks like a different QB.
hint its not all on the players. its everyone. coaches players etc. no one showed up.
True. I'm just a frustrated fan at the end of the day. I'm not privy to what goes on behind the scenes. I don't have the answers just a **** Tom of questions.
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