Canes vs Duke

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Have you been watching our OL the last 7 years??? The more things change the more they stay the same.

We aren’t planning for known weaknesses.

When your quarterback is getting sacked looking at the backs of receivers, the problem is strategy.

Plays take too long to develop for a thin o line.
You just know the Oregon board has a Miami tears thread going on and deservedly so. They really came out on top
My only hope is that Mario has a come to Jesus moment and gets out of his own way enough to go back to a modern offense.

This is his dream job so hopefully he won’t want to waste this opportunity.
It's crazy that we can't score points. We outgain and outgain and outgain but can't score.

It's like there's a psychological block between the players and coaches on this team beyond the roster issues and obvious coaching garbage,
It’s a defensive gameplan against Miami. Make them go 10+ plays and they’ll eventually ***** it up without you doing anything.
Seriously though how can we get rid of Mario?
hes here for the long haul esp w booster backing and that contract. I was on board w Mario even if he wasn't choice 1 for me, but that contract, the boosters only talking w 1 guy, its the same **** just diff boosters. it provides no way to get out of it esp if the boosters say nah WE didnt sign him to that deal, YOU did. we aren't funding that buyout. we just have to hope he purges the assistants and gets new school coordinators in here and allow them to run the entire show while Mario focuses on OL and recruiting.
I know he’s good but he’s made zero difference today. Nobody on Duke’s team has done anything. Miami has literally handed them everything they’ve gotten.
He’s got the 2 TD’s on turnovers. Last years Duke team probably doesn’t score a TD.
even your first sentence, anyone w a brain knew their offense sucked. we all knew we just had to get up early and they weren't coming back. its clear the outlier performance by our D was ATM bc of how bad their O is. I picked atm to be a loss coming into the year, that should've been we go balls to wall. we either come out w a W or just lose as we did. its disappointing that we dont have an aggressive mindset.
They were fresh off a loss to APP st where they used the same gameplan. Mario being the uninovative mf he is decided to copy and paste because he saw it worked.
Lol so he gets the pass TVD didn’t get
Did you see those wideouts? He was clearly expecting a guy to be at that spot in the field and they cut in field on their route. Much different than a TVD underthrown or overthrown pass to a receiver he placed the ball in the vicinity of. There is no pass on Garcia. This was clearly a miscom. between the QB and the WRs. The broadcast booth said as much after I made my post about it.

If you can't see what happened on that down then I don't know what to tell you.
The O line is abysmal. Mario and his pal better get that cleaned up fast or it won't matter what offense we run.
Tough to win or lead when you turn the ball over 4 times in a half. Offense has looked like crap but also the fumbles aren’t on the coaches at all. Both can be true. And the fumbles are what has impacted this game the most
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