Canes vs. Bama 2021 Opener

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Miami most likely will NEVER have Alabama talent, because Miami can't nor will ever spend that kind of money to acquire talent. That said, there's no way in **** a competent coach wouldn't be able to at least make this team look competent. That's the problem. Miami looks poorly coached, BECAUSE THEY ARE. I knew within 2 minutes, this game was going to end poorly. You had two mental breakdowns in 5 plays. Then you had inexplicable playcalling. Why run the ball, when they are loaded in the front 7. WHY? WHY? WHY?
Honestly, even with our personnel issues the answer is simple to get more traditional. Bryce’s running lanes are coming because we’re not keeping lane integrity. You keep lane integrity then you keep him in the pocket and he has to make harder throws/we get to hit him more.
Yep and that’s mannys scheme in nutshell. And will never change for as long as he’s here Corching it it up!
It’s a small criticism and not something I was gonna bring up but I noticed as well. I’m like man our guys look like they showed up to Disneyland
Exactly, and don't get me wrong Bama is more talented than us but I think this game would be more competitive if our guys were more business oriented.
The tackling difference is unreal. Number 8 is still hot trash. 44 is worse trash. Our DT's need an upgrade. 81 is the only one doing anything. Nesta is a JAG. 26 is a JAG. Were better off with J.Will 2nd half. Im liking what I see from 11. K. Smith is too small. He is fast though. Carter played okay so far.
I think there are playmakers actually, the o-line is just complete dog**** and there's no time to throw or space to run.
If our OL is so bad why don't we just go full spread option already? Our OL has sucked for 15+ years
Miami either pays the big boys ala Stewart and Lucas whatever they want and commit or this program will die. Infrastructure needs a total rebuild and needs full commitment to football. Nobody has time to watch blow outs against anyone with a pulse..The ACCs new commissioner already put Miami on notice..

This is unacceptable.
Miami most likely will NEVER have Alabama talent, because Miami can't nor will ever spend that kind of money to acquire talent. That said, there's no way in **** a competent coach wouldn't be able to at least make this team look competent. That's the problem. Miami looks poorly coached, BECAUSE THEY ARE. I knew within 2 minutes, this game was going to end poorly. You had two mental breakdowns in 5 plays. Then you had inexplicable playcalling. Why run the ball, when they are loaded in the front 7. WHY? WHY? WHY?
We play kids who’ve proven they aren’t winners.
Yea first half coaching was bad especially offensively. I think this deficit has more to do with our guys being shy of the moment instead of playing ball. Bubba had a ball hit him right in the face. Hall losing that fumble.
I think the defense has been every bit as bad as the offense. Soft zone, missed tackles, aimless blitzes. Everyone tried to blame Baker and celebrate his leaving when reality was staring you in the face. It was and continues to be Manny’s defense.
Miami most likely will NEVER have Alabama talent, because Miami can't nor will ever spend that kind of money to acquire talent. That said, there's no way in **** a competent coach wouldn't be able to at least make this team look competent. That's the problem. Miami looks poorly coached, BECAUSE THEY ARE. I knew within 2 minutes, this game was going to end poorly. You had two mental breakdowns in 5 plays. Then you had inexplicable playcalling. Why run the ball, when they are loaded in the front 7. WHY? WHY? WHY?
Talent is half the battle the guys we get don't perform.
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