Canes vs. Bama 2021 Opener

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Well at least I won’t have to read homerism articles from Cote the rest of the year. Miami as we all relunctantly knew isn’t in the same league as Bama. Shock Bama, sure? How about try to keep it within 20
The most important thing for this game is to have enough fight where it doesn't scare off recruits. The rest of our schedule isn't bama and we can win every game if things go right. But to get our talent level to where it needs to be, we have to close on a couple of 5 stars this year and can't have them leave in disgust after this game.
Someone start that “we need to start rooting for losses” thread after the game.
I signed up for this site on Thursday because I genuinely could not believe the takes I was seeing on here. This was always, 100% how this game was going to go. It won’t be close. Miami is not even in the same galaxy as this bama team.
Positive side atleast we got to play bama in week 1 were so outclassed if its later in the year they put 100 on us easy
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