Canes v. Noles

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Credit to FSU. Not beating themselves. Making enough plays and burning clock. Miami is imploding under the bright lights.
We have not used the mid of the field on offense at ALL!!! Richt is a PUS$Y!!
Richt better tighten up !!

All he'll will break loose if we lose this game
Richt got to come up off the offensive coordinator duties, this sh*t can’t persist any longer
This should be Perry last game starting at miami if we gonna lose we just need to go with the freshman. And cmr need to be fired if he don't want to give up the play calling. UGA was right for making him hire an OC he stinks at play calling.
Haven't been confident about beating a decent team in sooooo long. Today was no different. Forgot how it feels to expect to win.
Outside of the Clemson game, I never saw us look this bad in a half during the Al Golden era. Sad.
hahaha you didn't watch many Golden coached games did you? UVA 2014, GT 2014, FSU 2013, ND 2013..... I could keep going but what's the point.

We've played this badly before in a half. It's not like this is something new.
If we come back out and lay down against these pvssies, says a lot about the character of our coaches and our supposed leaders on the team
Too much **** talking too little playing - story of our last 16 years
Please, Perry can't throw to save his life. Dude is acting like he is throwing a cast.

Who recruited Perry? These play calls are awful no one is running open. Did you see that 4th down call? No one even knew what they were doing, DJ Dallas is running onto the field at the last second after a time out. You're a moron.
Again, this game is there to still be wo but there are some real big picture things that worry me about this staff/program. And I'll just leave it at that

All I can do is root, root, root for the Hurricanes

We will not be a dominate program with this coaching staff, Richt just doesn't have the killer mentality
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