Canes v. Noles

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We’ve always beat FSU by being smarter than them, but somewhere something changed where we overthink and actually have become dumber than they are. All this rah rah ish is dum ish, can we just beat the crap outta them. This is an extremely dum FSU team and coaching staff, if Richt can’t get this team to focus and pick them apart with IQ, acumen, scheme and intelligence, I don’t know what to say.

Cager ONLY catches with his body, so on certain throws he’ll drop it when it demands that his hands make the reception. Watch.
Oh geez. I expect better from you. Every team not coached by Nick Saban has games like this.

We have a half dozen of these games against mediocre teams EVERY YEAR.

This coach we have is a goddam joke and he was fired from UGA for a reason, And u just slurp him up bc hes a jesus freak who will keep our “ghetto players” that you despise in check.
someone better take francois ******* head off for payback in the 2nd half
Well they already ******* screwed us from one clear catch, might as well do it again
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