Canes v App State

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I actually like Harley but here we are again. Play the duo. Enough of the 7th year try hard given a life line.
Complain about the coaches (Lashlee sucks) but the players deserve blame. Many of the players are losing their 1 on 1 battles. Straight up getting punked
When its one or two players u can blame players. This ia team wide epidemic on both sides of the ball.
Look guys preparedness is basically the only responsibility a coach has come the fall.

Manny is the worst of the bunch at that which is just hilarious
Guys I’m legit done. I really couldn’t gaf if we win or lose this game, Manny is a horrific coach. Absolutely atrocious. Year 3 and your guys can’t execute a simple FG against App St? No discipline on ST? None on defense or offense? Guys not knowing their assignments, 5th year senior CAPTAINS not catching the football square in their hands?

Idek if we’ll get the chance to hire a real AD to get a legit coach cause the powers that be couldnt care less. If we can’t get up to absolutely hose App st after getting embarrassed on the biggest stage, there’s no hope - your program is run by a beta and the ceiling is 9 wins.
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