Canes test positive

I think he’s like 19 years old. Gotta be.
Nahh..he’s likely a grown *** man on his Dell desktop
Are you aware of a shortage of remdesivir or convalescent plasma, old friend? It'll be great if there's enough to handle these recent surges of cases and future cases.

Well convalescent plasma is tough because it has to come from donations. And there are definitely shortages of remdesivir .... I can’t say from everywhere, but most hospitals I know have to get it from the state. There may be some places to get it directly from the manufacturer, but I really don’t know.

Just to add though I don’t know anybody that’s needed remdesivir that hasn’t gotten it. Yet.
Well convalescent plasma is tough because it has to come from donations. And there are definitely shortages of remdesivir .... I can’t say from everywhere, but most hospitals I know have to get it from the state. There may be some places to get it directly from the manufacturer, but I really don’t know.
I believe in our case the plasma came from NY. First had to apply then wait for approval. It took about a week. I believe the hospital already had the redemesvir.
Care to come and check? PM me. I get tired when these threads become all about me...

When you won’t shut the **** up and everything you say is retarded, people tend to notice. I’m sure you have no real friends outside of a message board, so the attention you seek here is your only source of getting your daddy look at me rocks off, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying. You’re the toughest guy in the country and covid is the equivalent of a sniffle, at worst, so maybe go outside and find a friend.
When you won’t shut the **** up and everything you say is retarded, people tend to notice. I’m sure you have no real friends outside of a message board, so the attention you seek here is your only source of getting your daddy look at me rocks off, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying. You’re the toughest guy in the country and covid is the equivalent of a sniffle, at worst, so maybe go outside and find a friend.
You seem butthurt. Like i said PM me.
Moar tears!!!
Who cares? Internet fool. You're irrelevant outside of your four walls.
Moar tears!!!!!

Says the guy who brags about sitting on his couch smoking pot all day and who continually whines about being excluded from various groups of people, friends, and colleagues, while obsessively spite-liking posts by people he doesn't like and who don't like him.
Says the guy who brags about sitting on his couch smoking pot all day and who continually whines about being excluded from various groups of people, friends, and colleagues, while obsessively spite-liking posts by people he doesn't like and who don't like him.
Don't hate. Lmao