Canes test positive

Wow. You were wrong?

Bad news.

You're still wrong. I guess that makes you WRONGER.

Chloroquine, like Hydroxychloroquine - is also an antimalarial drug - and that's not pool cleaner, either.

The woman did NOT use Chloroquine to kill her husband.

The woman used chloroquine PHOSPHATE!

I take it you're not a Ph.D chemist.

You might want to skip this thread - it's not being very kind to you.

Unless you wish to continue your education.
You must be on some good drugs.
Because it's very scientific to say "there's a mask requirement, so if cases don't go down that means masks don't work." We have drunk driving laws, but that doesn't mean no one drives drunk or that no one dies or gets injured as a result of drunk driving. It just means we have a law in place that saves a lot of lives by deterring the dangerous behavior of drunk driving.

The mask requirement certainly doesn't mean that everyone will comply, and it doesn't mean that COVID won't still be transmitted. It's an effective tool to help decrease the spread. Not everyone will listen. And people will still get infected by rubbing their eyes or living with someone who rubs their eyes and gets infected and then passes it to the family when they're in their house and not wearing masks.

My neighbor just had nearly a dozen teenagers for a pool party (no masks) but masks won’t work because it’s a requirement ...
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Yawn. You totally avoided the mask and test(s) comment and went on a rant about Dr. F.

The entire world was affected by this pandemic. Somehow Dr. F is to blame for America’s incompetent response. Not the guy who cleared out the Dept. that deals with pandemics.

But you guys keep believing your Bone Spurs King.
You're replying to a 3 year old who snuck into mommy's computer
140,000 dead “parasites“ in your words including an 11 yo Miami boy, Jonathan Prine, Nic Cordero, and Terrence McNally.

What is wrong with you? Every single thread with the same trash. Not having empathy doesn’t make you tough it makes you PSYCHOPATH. Get help, Talk to your loved ones, no one is conspiring against you, Q isn’t real brother. If no one else loves you Felly Fell loves you.
Is it my fault i know my place in the order of the universe? Name me one person who's defied death? Reality sucks but an individual has the ability to navigate it at their choosing. I choose not to lie to myself. Empathy isn't going to keep you from the grave.
Every fvckingbody that I see wherever I go here in Miami is wearing a freaking mask. Every **** business that I've been to has everybody wearing a mask, and mostly everybody is observing the distancing rule... and unless people are wearing BLM stuff or a Maga hat or whatever, I have no freaking idea what political side their on... nor do I give a rat's ***.
What a nauseating bunch of garbage is this bull**** arena forum.
Wow. This thread. My god.

For those that aren’t insane who might actually have a question about masks...

Japan - a country with an older population and much greater population density than the US - effectively stopped community spread of COVID19 by universal mask usage. They have had less than a thousand total Covid19 deaths.

Aerosol transmission of Covid-19 is primarily through respiratory droplets (small drops of spit filled with virus) that are exhaled and aerosolized. The greater the exhalation force (yelling, coughing, sneezing) the farther the droplets travel.

While some of the droplets stay airborne for an extended period of time, most of the droplets eventually fall to the ground.

There is NO current research to support true airborne transmission (virus particles OUTSIDE of respiratory droplets transmitted through air currents causing infection) of COVID19.

So... masks work because they:
1) stop the dispersion of tiny particles of spittle (respiratory droplets); and
2) diminish the distance that respiratory droplets travel before falling harmlessly to the ground where the spittle dries and the protein surface of the virus breaks down.

Any face covering is better than nothing because of the diffusion of exhalation forces which reduces the distance respiratory droplets travel.

Standard medical/surgical masks are *highly* effective in mitigating outbound transmission of COVID19.

Of course, the caveat to all this is that masks other than N95 respirator masks are only highly effective at mitigating outbound transmission. Only a respirator mask will reliably filter out respiratory droplets exhaled by someone in close proximity not wearing a mask of their own.

That’s why *everyone* wearing masks is so important. You don’t wear a mask for yourself - you wear it for others, just as others are wearing their mask for you.

Or, alternatively, we just go on killing our more vulnerable fellow citizens and complaining about conspiracies because the economy doesn’t like death and uncertainty.
Every fvckingbody that I see wherever I go here in Miami is wearing a freaking mask. Every **** business that I've been to has everybody wearing a mask, and mostly everybody is observing the distancing rule... and unless people are wearing BLM stuff or a Maga hat or whatever, I have no freaking idea what political side their on... nor do I give a rat's ***.
What a nauseating bunch of garbage is this bull**** arena forum.
But they're teenagers having a pool party next door!!! I have 2 masks on grunt!!!

I kid. You're spot on, bro. It's like the twilight zone. I've seen so many designs of mask it's like Halloween everyday. My personal favorite is the gfucci ones ....
It's a moot point. As a nurse I can assure you that masks are minimally effective at best. Cloth masks- stop virtually nothing. Surgical masks- work solely within a sterile environment. N95 masks- stop the highest concentration of microbes yet are still quite subpar, this is way even in hospitals where PPE is extensive doctors and nurses can still be infected and commonly do. Proper hand washing/hygiene, effective distancing are more effective than masks will ever be, the mask simply allows people's minds to be pacified and lulled into a false sense of security.

a ****** single layer cloth mask? Agree. A 2-3 layer cotton/synthetic blend mask is definitely helpful. Agree on the others- hygiene and distance trumps all.
But they're teenagers having a pool party next door!!! I have 2 masks on grunt!!!

I kid. You're spot on, bro. It's like the twilight zone. I've seen so many designs of mask it's like Halloween everyday. My personal favorite is the gfucci ones ....
I know that your family has been hit by C-19, and I'm sure you know prevention just like the next guy... maybe better. It's just that I get vertigo from reading all the bullshiit from the self-proclaimed medical experts here. I also know that not everybody here likes your philosophical views... don't worry I know where you're coming from.
I know that your family has been hit by C-19, and I'm sure you know prevention just like the next guy... maybe better. It's just that I get vertigo from reading all the bullshiit from the self-proclaimed medical experts here. I also know that not everybody here likes your philosophical views... don't worry I know where you're coming from.
I completely understand .
Its all good. Sit down next time you sign on. That vertigo is tough. I worry about you.
Wow. This thread. My god.

For those that aren’t insane who might actually have a question about masks...

Japan - a country with an older population and much greater population density than the US - effectively stopped community spread of COVID19 by universal mask usage. They have had less than a thousand total Covid19 deaths.

Aerosol transmission of Covid-19 is primarily through respiratory droplets (small drops of spit filled with virus) that are exhaled and aerosolized. The greater the exhalation force (yelling, coughing, sneezing) the farther the droplets travel.

While some of the droplets stay airborne for an extended period of time, most of the droplets eventually fall to the ground.

There is NO current research to support true airborne transmission (virus particles OUTSIDE of respiratory droplets transmitted through air currents causing infection) of COVID19.

So... masks work because they:
1) stop the dispersion of tiny particles of spittle (respiratory droplets); and
2) diminish the distance that respiratory droplets travel before falling harmlessly to the ground where the spittle dries and the protein surface of the virus breaks down.

Any face covering is better than nothing because of the diffusion of exhalation forces which reduces the distance respiratory droplets travel.

Standard medical/surgical masks are *highly* effective in mitigating outbound transmission of COVID19.

Of course, the caveat to all this is that masks other than N95 respirator masks are only highly effective at mitigating outbound transmission. Only a respirator mask will reliably filter out respiratory droplets exhaled by someone in close proximity not wearing a mask of their own.

That’s why *everyone* wearing masks is so important. You don’t wear a mask for yourself - you wear it for others, just as others are wearing their mask for you.

Or, alternatively, we just go on killing our more vulnerable fellow citizens and complaining about conspiracies because the economy doesn’t like death and uncertainty.
They wont believe you.

People are getting sick everywhere but no one asks why are the healthcare workers not getting sick at the same rate as the general population. My coworkers and I are literally surrounded by covid for 12 hrs every shift and very rare that healthcare workers get sick. Not one doctor in any of the ER’s that I work down here has gotten covid. A few nurses and some employees but not one doctor or PA or NP.
Hmmm I wonder wihy that is? Maybe it’s because every patient and the people taking care of them are WEARING FCKNG MASKS!!!

If these masks didn’t work then healthcare workers would be dying daily and no one would work unless they were covered in those self contained bio hazards yellow suits.

I brought this up in another board and the response was “the masks don’t work and the fact that healthcare workers aren’t getting sick proves that this is a hoax and the people are dying of other things and your calling covid”

It’s like talking to stupid people man.

Trump is literally the American version of a north Korean dictator. I don’t think anyone will fully appreciate how bad this could’ve been if no masls or shut down or social distancing happened and those were the projections from the cdc if those measure weren’t taken.
And if all these governors decide to stop all the restrictions then it has the potential to be really bad.

Basically if you want to see how bad things can get with no masks or restrictions just look at nyc and Italy. I really can’t believe that political divisions have become so bad in this country that a certain affiliation is not only refusing to see what going on but they’re actually laughing at it like it’s a comedy and that people like myself are morons for believing my own eyes.

We’re Rome.
It's EVIDENT that you, and your ILK, haven't done the HOMEWORK on the nefarious deadly disease! duh! Simply because the contagion has a thing called RATE of GAIN, and the rate of gain WASN'T seen in previous contagions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Triple duh. So I suggest you, and your ilk, google " rate of gain.

And another reason why, AMONG OTHERS, the contagion is still hanging around in the SUMMER, is because it's a DNA MANUFACTURED contagion, i.e., BIOLOGICAL WAR WEAPON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh. And one more notion. Perhaps you should find some other interest to occupy your right-wing Republican time, because it's highly UNLIKELY, but still possible, there will be a major CFB season come the Ides of September.
Thee Mack Mouther ******* Jones has spoken on the Covid 19.
140,000 dead “parasites“ in your words including an 11 yo Miami boy, Jonathan Prine, Nic Cordero, and Terrence McNally.

What is wrong with you? Every single thread with the same trash. Not having empathy doesn’t make you tough it makes you PSYCHOPATH. Get help, Talk to your loved ones, no one is conspiring against you, Q isn’t real brother. If no one else loves you Felly Fell loves you.

Unrelated, but the Q thing still baffles me honestly. It wasn’t even a decent larp to start, but it gained unthinkable traction with a certain segment of people and it’s still going years later.
Unrelated, but the Q thing still baffles me honestly. It wasn’t even a decent larp to start, but it gained unthinkable traction with a certain segment of people and it’s still going years later.
The cousins of those old people that get catfished online for money. Q people are lunatics.