Canes test positive

There's no actual justification for it other than being pussies who panic because they feel like they can't breathe with a mask on. So they invent conspiracy theories and look for kooky fake science to justify their weakness and panic attacks and dopey anti-mask agendas.
I dont see any harm in wearing a mask in concert with other mitigation efforts. There is absolutely zero evidence they reduce spread though. I think we'll eventually discern that the perceived safety of masks did more to spread the virus than the few who wont wear one.
I dont want you to cite every article or video. Just cite ONE that concludes scientifically that social mask wearing reduces infectious spread of covid19.

FTR I've been wearing a mask since February (N95s). In fact, I even wore a respirator on trips out at the beginning before we knew much about this virus.
Dew ewe really knead a study to tell you that whereing mask reduces the spread of an airborne disease like the Chicom Wuhan virus? Seriously?
Is this actually true? If yes, I guess I lived with my head buried in the sand for the past 10 or so years.

And it makes all of these conspiracy theories that my friends are telling me that I think are completely cookoo actually sound plausible.

Why the eff did something that 61 million of us got 10 years ago not shut the country down but yet this virus has turned the world on its head? Maybe I'm too dumb to be breathing air at this point.

Yes, that is the CDC's estimated contraction in the US over a 365 day period for H1N1 in 2009-2010. They also estimated 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths during that same time period.

We're somewhere between 6-8 months in with COVID and already over 138K deaths. And death sells on the 24-hour news cycle.
I think Bill Nye is great and entertaining for sure. He may or may not be right. I think he's a mechanical engineer though. Great field but definitely doesn't make him an authority on any covid-19 stuff.

I totally agree with everything you said.

Except the part about Bill Nye being great and entertaining.
Dew ewe really knead a study to tell you that whereing mask reduces the spread of an airborne disease like the Chicom Wuhan virus? Seriously?
Yes, empirical data on something so dogmatically accepted should be on the tips of everyones fingertips. So regale me with your epidemiology expertise and save the disparaging comments please.
You're being a sleazeball now by quoting me in relation to a post that my words had nothing to do with. I'm done when you start that bullshyt.
I made a completely benign statement and you raised your hackles about it. Don't get all ****ed at me because you aren't properly comprehending what I wrote in plain English. I can't see how anybody could get anything other than a positive statement out of what I wrote.
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There's no actual justification for it other than being pussies who panic because they feel like they can't breathe with a mask on. So they invent conspiracy theories and look for kooky fake science to justify their weakness and panic attacks and dopey anti-mask agendas.
facts as always Chise, just keep slayin these cats man

Real scientific studies abound if you'd like to learn...
I made a completely benign statement and you raised your hackles about it. Don't get all ****ed at me because you aren't properly comprehending what I wrote in plain English. I can't see how anybody could get anything other than a positive statement out of what I wrote.
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In all fairness to both Franchise and JD08 (there are good people on both sides), I believe that Franchise just took the contrapositive.

If A ---> B
If -B ---> -A

This is correct from a logical standpoint.

JD08 said If Mask Requirement is in effect ---> Cases should go down
Franchise said If Cases don't go down ---> Mask Requirement did not work

Both are correct, logically, though JD08 did not actually make the second statement.

Both fighters should go to neutral corners for a 10-count, I respect them both, and then come back out fighting.
495 new hospitalizations and 156 deaths. Not good.