Canes test positive

No you MAGAasshat!

It prevents transmission of airborne illness from the person wearing the mask. The simple science experiment I laid out for your dumbass is to present you with a visual of how those masks work. It is to protect the patient.

Your simple jack *** keeps glossing over that because your simple *** believes that Qanon is the gospel , thatizard people exist, and that Trump was sent to stop the pedophiles,even though he partied with them on the regular.
Intellectual savant reply....
Have a Snickers and re-read my original comment.

I'm hoping we see a drop in cases. How the fvck can you take anything out of that that's even slightly worth arguing about?
You're being a sleazeball now by quoting me in relation to a post that my words had nothing to do with. I'm done when you start that bullshyt.
No you MAGAasshat!

It prevents transmission of airborne illness from the person wearing the mask. The simple science experiment I laid out for your dumbass is to present you with a visual of how those masks work. It is to protect the patient.

Your simple jack *** keeps glossing over that because your simple *** believes that Qanon is the gospel , thatizard people exist, and that Trump was sent to stop the pedophiles,even though he partied with them on the regular.
Simple science. Gotcha. I'd like to educate myself, please cite the controlled studies that prove that out.
Take a breath!

Let me give you some examples of our "EXPERTS" in charge.

1. Fauci told us the US "didn't have to worry" as CV-19 "is not a major threat."
2. Fauci later warned us of a world-wide pandemic - and weeks later - compared CV-19 to a bad flu.
3. Fauci's model predicted we'd die by the millions - and later said, "You really can't rely on models."
4. Fauci jumped in to interrupt the President in a press briefing on HCQ to say, "You got to be careful when you say, 'fairly' effective' It was never done in a clinical trial ... it was given to individuals and felt that it maybe worked."

Exactly two weeks later, a poll of 6,000 doctors world-wide deemed HCQ to be a highly rated treatment.

Worse - NIH did a study in 2005 and found HCQ to be an effective prophylactic and treatment for coronavirus. WHILE HE WAS AT NIH! He knew this!

5. Fauci predicted that 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 Americans would die of CV-19. Then, he said 100,000 - 200,000 would die.
6. Fauci said Trump should have shut the economy down in February - when we had 100 total known CV-19 infections - and backed off that later.
7. Fauci on March 9, said cruises were just fine. Wrong!
8. Fauci said that gyms, movies and malls were fine on February 29. WRONG!
9. Fauci and the CDC failed to realize millions were infected with CV-19 before the lockdowns - costing untold economic dollar losses.
10. Fauci used the Imperial College Model to get Trump to shut down the entire economy - now proven to be a total FRAUD.

There are others, but this grows tedious.

You guys keep believing your EXPERTS.

My only hope is that these experts know as much about fornication as they do about microbials - meaning - they won't be able to reproduce little idiots.

Yawn. You totally avoided the mask and test(s) comment and went on a rant about Dr. F.

The entire world was affected by this pandemic. Somehow Dr. F is to blame for America’s incompetent response. Not the guy who cleared out the Dept. that deals with pandemics.

But you guys keep believing your Bone Spurs King.
It's a moot point. As a nurse I can assure you that masks are minimally effective at best. Cloth masks- stop virtually nothing. Surgical masks- work solely within a sterile environment. N95 masks- stop the highest concentration of microbes yet are still quite subpar, this is way even in hospitals where PPE is extensive doctors and nurses can still be infected and commonly do. Proper hand washing/hygiene, effective distancing are more effective than masks will ever be, the mask simply allows people's minds to be pacified and lulled into a false sense of security.
Yeah. I'll stick with the prevailing overwhelming opinion in the medical community. I appreciate your work as a nurse, but I'll stick with the overwhelming opinions of experts on masks.
I was on New Smyrna beach last weekend. Socially distanced, certainly.

I watched a group of no less than 25 people all gather together for a huge group picture on the beach. No masks. All literally touching.

To say that social distancing and mask guidelines are being followed 100% is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. Not. Even. Close.
Yeah, but he said the people he sees are almost all wearing them. Of course, he works in a hospital, so most of the people he sees are usually wearing masks anyway. All these dudes hellbent on upholding their political agendas with their anecdotes are flailing.
Maybe our recent success in recruiting has me feeling overly positive, but I am actually really proud of CIS in this thread.
Took all the way until Post No. 35 for an undeniably political response in a COVID-related thread.
I would have set the over/under at Post 12.5.
******* great work, everyone.
Hats off!
Yeah. I'll stick with the prevailing overwhelming opinion in the medical community. I appreciate your work as a nurse, but I'll stick with the overwhelming opinions of experts on masks.

I agree with you and also genuinely appreciate the efforts of Damien the nurse as well, but even he admitted they’re minimally effective. I disagree as do a large number of medical professionals, but let’s assume he’s correct. They do help. And they’re literally effortless. Nobody is saying that wearing a mask will kill the virus in its entirety, but if something is even minimally effective and can be accomplished with literally zero effort, what kind of an *** backwards selfish puddle of diarrhea simply refuses to wear one?? How can you possibly justify being that big of a flippant *******?
No problem. Just don’t cry when they cancel football because ****sticks like you love yer Merica and ain’t nobody gone take muh freedumb from muh!!
Honest question. Where is the data that surgical masks protect either the wearer or others from anything but blood/bodily fluid splash from a surgery patient.

Its called a surgical mask, not an antiviral mask.

You have google. You have youtube. Do a little research. I'm not going to sit here and link every article i've ever read or video i've watched. Just like every other post on here, everyone's being accused of cherry picking specific studies that support their argument, so what's the point of me putting all that time and energy to appease your request? I work in the medical field so my posts are my personal opinion based on my educational and professional experience along with the medical literature i've read and information i've seen/heard from other Drs and Epidemiologists. There's been studies in Hong Kong with humans with Flu/Covid as well as Covid studies with hamsters. There was a UK study in 2013 published in the Cambridge University Press that showed mean % filtration efficiency of varying mask compositions. The material ASTM graded surgical masks use is rated for specific filtration while a key reason might be for blood splatter and fluid splash, it's not the only ability the masks have. It stops the doctor's breathing/talking droplets from coming out of his mouth into an exposed patient. Viruses move through droplets, so it's not always about the size of the virus itself. There's many others out there, as well as videos showing slow motion videos of droplets when you talk/cough without a mask, into your hand, through a mask, etc. Is everything clear cut? Absolutely not. I've been clear in every post i've made within this thread. But the information and data shows more of a benefit with wearing masks than not......which is why they are so common in medical use (sterile and non-sterile environments).
No you MAGAasshat!

It prevents transmission of airborne illness from the person wearing the mask. The simple science experiment I laid out for your dumbass is to present you with a visual of how those masks work. It is to protect the patient.

Your simple jack *** keeps glossing over that because your simple *** believes that Qanon is the gospel , thatizard people exist, and that Trump was sent to stop the pedophiles,even though he partied with them on the regular.
I agree with you and also genuinely appreciate the efforts of Damien the nurse as well, but even he admitted they’re minimally effective. I disagree as do a large number of medical professionals, but let’s assume he’s correct. They do help. And they’re literally effortless. Nobody is saying that wearing a mask will kill the virus in its entirety, but if something is even minimally effective and can be accomplished with literally zero effort, what kind of an *** backwards selfish puddle of diarrhea simply refuses to wear one?? How can you possibly justify being that big of a flippant *******?
There's no actual justification for it other than being pussies who panic because they feel like they can't breathe with a mask on. So they invent conspiracy theories and look for kooky fake science to justify their weakness and panic attacks and dopey anti-mask agendas.
You have google. You have youtube. Do a little research. I'm not going to sit here and link every article i've ever read or video i've watched. Just like every other post on here, everyone's being accused of cherry picking specific studies that support their argument, so what's the point of me putting all that time and energy to appease your request? I work in the medical field so my posts are my personal opinion based on my educational and professional experience along with the medical literature i've read and information i've seen/heard from other Drs and Epidemiologists. There's been studies in Hong Kong with humans with Flu/Covid as well as Covid studies with hamsters. There was a UK study in 2013 published in the Cambridge University Press that showed mean % filtration efficiency of varying mask compositions. The material ASTM graded surgical masks use is rated for specific filtration while a key reason might be for blood splatter and fluid splash, it's not the only ability the masks have. It stops the doctor's breathing/talking droplets from coming out of his mouth into an exposed patient. Viruses move through droplets, so it's not always about the size of the virus itself. There's many others out there, as well as videos showing slow motion videos of droplets when you talk/cough without a mask, into your hand, through a mask, etc. Is everything clear cut? Absolutely not. I've been clear in every post i've made within this thread. But the information and data shows more of a benefit with wearing masks than not......which is why they are so common in medical use (sterile and non-sterile environments).

Gotta love the internet...
There's no actual justification for it other than being pussies who panic because they feel like they can't breathe with a mask on. So they invent conspiracy theories and look for kooky fake science to justify their weakness and panic attacks and dopey anti-mask agendas.
Speaking of kooky fake science, what do you think of Dr. Joseph Fair? NBC must be proud of their medical expert.
You have google. You have youtube. Do a little research. I'm not going to sit here and link every article i've ever read or video i've watched. Just like every other post on here, everyone's being accused of cherry picking specific studies that support their argument, so what's the point of me putting all that time and energy to appease your request? I work in the medical field so my posts are my personal opinion based on my educational and professional experience along with the medical literature i've read and information i've seen/heard from other Drs and Epidemiologists. There's been studies in Hong Kong with humans with Flu/Covid as well as Covid studies with hamsters. There was a UK study in 2013 published in the Cambridge University Press that showed mean % filtration efficiency of varying mask compositions. The material ASTM graded surgical masks use is rated for specific filtration while a key reason might be for blood splatter and fluid splash, it's not the only ability the masks have. It stops the doctor's breathing/talking droplets from coming out of his mouth into an exposed patient. Viruses move through droplets, so it's not always about the size of the virus itself. There's many others out there, as well as videos showing slow motion videos of droplets when you talk/cough without a mask, into your hand, through a mask, etc. Is everything clear cut? Absolutely not. I've been clear in every post i've made within this thread. But the information and data shows more of a benefit with wearing masks than not......which is why they are so common in medical use (sterile and non-sterile environments).
I dont want you to cite every article or video. Just cite ONE that concludes scientifically that social mask wearing reduces infectious spread of covid19.

FTR I've been wearing a mask since February (N95s). In fact, I even wore a respirator on trips out at the beginning before we knew much about this virus.