Canes test positive

Wow. I finally got thru this thread and I think I got it summed up:
1. It doesn't hurt to try wearing a mask
2. If you believe in this virus hoax, masks waste cash
3. Anyone who supports Trump is an idiot and inferior to Biden
4. All politicians are in it together and Trump is ruining their plans.
5. Fauci has Dimensia
6. Corona is the onset of Revelations
7. Everybody knows HCQ is the REAL cure
8. It is harmless to play with every deadly creature on earth if you know the SECRET.
9. Some crazy ***** used the threat of cutting off her hubby to get him to drink fish tank TP
10. We could all use a fat blunt like caneinorlando after reading thru this doozy.

I think that sums it up. But please feel free to add if I missed something. Don't want to leave anyone out. I just want some football. Can't we all just get along. So many of you are pathetic on both sides.
Im definitely going with #10.
It's a moot point. As a nurse I can assure you that masks are minimally effective at best. Cloth masks- stop virtually nothing. Surgical masks- work solely within a sterile environment. N95 masks- stop the highest concentration of microbes yet are still quite subpar, this is way even in hospitals where PPE is extensive doctors and nurses can still be infected and commonly do. Proper hand washing/hygiene, effective distancing are more effective than masks will ever be, the mask simply allows people's minds to be pacified and lulled into a false sense of security.
Everyone, everywhere is ignoring the data. There is very little protection from surgical masks (let alone the panty-hose everyone is wearing), and there is zero evidence that masks reduce the transmission of covid19. Not one, single study shows reduced transmission.
It's a moot point. As a nurse I can assure you that masks are minimally effective at best. Cloth masks- stop virtually nothing. Surgical masks- work solely within a sterile environment. N95 masks- stop the highest concentration of microbes yet are still quite subpar, this is way even in hospitals where PPE is extensive doctors and nurses can still be infected and commonly do. Proper hand washing/hygiene, effective distancing are more effective than masks will ever be, the mask simply allows people's minds to be pacified and lulled into a false sense of security.

Surgical masks work just as effectively outside a sterile environment as they do inside. The sterile environment has no impact on the ability of liquids and gases to pass through the membranes.

The only difference is the "first air" concept of the HEPA units within the sterile room you are working in.
I was on New Smyrna beach last weekend. Socially distanced, certainly.

I watched a group of no less than 25 people all gather together for a huge group picture on the beach. No masks. All literally touching.

To say that social distancing and mask guidelines are being followed 100% is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. Not. Even. Close.

It’s called a family.
Surgical masks work just as effectively outside a sterile environment as they do inside. The sterile environment has no impact on the ability of liquids and gases to pass through the membranes.

The only difference is the "first air" concept of the HEPA units within the sterile room you are working in.
Honest question. Where is the data that surgical masks protect either the wearer or others from anything but blood/bodily fluid splash from a surgery patient.

Its called a surgical mask, not an antiviral mask.
Honest question. Where is the data that surgical masks protect either the wearer or others from anything but blood/bodily fluid splash from a surgery patient.

Its called a surgical mask, not an antiviral mask.

Surgical masks are worn to protect the patient. Simple test lil mama...

1) get a surgical mask
2) put on surgical mask
3) get a matchstick
4) light the matchstick
5) try to blow out the matchstick

Or you can...

1) get a hammer
2) write a note that you don't want the Dr to wear a surgical mask
3) call 911 and tell them some one has a head injury
4) bash your conspiracy riddled brain in with the hammer
5) see what happens next
Surgical masks are worn to protect the patient. Simple test lil mama...

1) get a surgical mask
2) put on surgical mask
3) get a matchstick
4) light the matchstick
5) try to blow out the matchstick

Or you can...

1) get a hammer
2) write a note that you don't want the Dr to wear a surgical mask
3) call 911 and tell them some one has a head injury
4) bash your conspiracy riddled brain in with the hammer
5) see what happens next
So stopping viruses is as easy as stopping wind. Get Fauci on the horn... please end this madness.
So stopping viruses is as easy as stopping wind. Get Fauci on the horn... please end this madness.

No you MAGAasshat!

It prevents transmission of airborne illness from the person wearing the mask. The simple science experiment I laid out for your dumbass is to present you with a visual of how those masks work. It is to protect the patient.

Your simple jack *** keeps glossing over that because your simple *** believes that Qanon is the gospel , thatizard people exist, and that Trump was sent to stop the pedophiles,even though he partied with them on the regular.