Off-Topic CA Bans Reality--No ICE '35

BTW, this is going to make ICE cars more valuable in the future, so if you own one now, keep it, and if you lease one, buy it.
lord humongous GIF
Facts are the radical ruling class and their sheep muppets are winning.

You either comply or the San Angeles police will drive you underground.

You just think you are free.
The state that can’t keep the lights on, wants to force people to buy electric cars.
This states economy is larger than most countries, FACT. America has always placed phase outs on the Automotive Industry, from unlead gas, safety devices to emissions controls. The advancement in battery technology has made it possible to phase out old technology gas powered vehicles. Dodge, without any mandates from the gov is phasing out gas powered Chargers and Challengers. What California is doing will go a long way to improving their air quality and the burdens gas and oil present from sky high fluctuating costs to environmental effects. You remind me of the old people who thought computers were taking over. Except you just follow the new Republican directive to reject any idea or state deemed Blue. Battery/Electric technology is being adopted by all industries and your silly cultish disclaimers won't stop technological advancements and adoption of by industries and the general public.
This states economy is larger than most countries, FACT. America has always placed phase outs on the Automotive Industry, from unlead gas, safety devices to emissions controls. The advancement in battery technology has made it possible to phase out old technology gas powered vehicles. Dodge, without any mandates from the gov is phasing out gas powered Chargers and Challengers. What California is doing will go a long way to improving their air quality and the burdens gas and oil present from sky high fluctuating costs to environmental effects. You remind me of the old people who thought computers were taking over. Except you just follow the new Republican directive to reject any idea or state deemed Blue. Battery/Electric technology is being adopted by all industries and your silly cultish disclaimers won't stop technological advancements and adoption of by industries and the general public.
What California will need to do is radically expand charging stations throughout the state. To mandate all new homes have charging stations, and provide tax credits to retrofit all existing homes with charging technologies. They will also need to enormously surge their electricity generating capacity in a way that is carbon neutral and does not run afoul of environmental laws. All of this will need to be done within twenty to twenty five years, (and also presumes that recovery from a major earthquake does not need to be funded, as CA is overdue).

The challenge will be finding a way to fund all of this over the next two decades. It’s not simply raising MPG and getting people to drive smaller cars. It’s a fundamental transition from a multi billion infrastructure to another.
This states economy is larger than most countries, FACT. America has always placed phase outs on the Automotive Industry, from unlead gas, safety devices to emissions controls. The advancement in battery technology has made it possible to phase out old technology gas powered vehicles. Dodge, without any mandates from the gov is phasing out gas powered Chargers and Challengers. What California is doing will go a long way to improving their air quality and the burdens gas and oil present from sky high fluctuating costs to environmental effects. You remind me of the old people who thought computers were taking over. Except you just follow the new Republican directive to reject any idea or state deemed Blue. Battery/Electric technology is being adopted by all industries and your silly cultish disclaimers won't stop technological advancements and adoption of by industries and the general public.
Now that the other clown is banned, you take the cake for worst poster here. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Ever.
This states economy is larger than most countries, FACT. America has always placed phase outs on the Automotive Industry, from unlead gas, safety devices to emissions controls. The advancement in battery technology has made it possible to phase out old technology gas powered vehicles. Dodge, without any mandates from the gov is phasing out gas powered Chargers and Challengers. What California is doing will go a long way to improving their air quality and the burdens gas and oil present from sky high fluctuating costs to environmental effects. You remind me of the old people who thought computers were taking over. Except you just follow the new Republican directive to reject any idea or state deemed Blue. Battery/Electric technology is being adopted by all industries and your silly cultish disclaimers won't stop technological advancements and adoption of by industries and the general public.
*Reads the party lines*

All criticisms are "cultish disclaimers"

Oh the irony