Butch Davis - Haters cost us 4 crappy coaches

I wanted Butch back in 2016 when Mark Richt was hired—but even that might've been too little, too late. The real time to bring him back was post-Coker, but North Carolina hired him right before LC was let go.

Butch Davis would be 69 years old during the 2020 football season. Bringing him back for what would be a 3-5 year rebuild ... that's rough. Conversely, he was late 50's when he was hired by the Tar Heels and still in his prime.

Cut a lot of corners recruiting the way he did in Chapel Hill—and no way he could recruit at Miami the way he did 20 years ago; different time and place.

Also tough for a guy to come back to a place he once had success—duplicating that. Anything short of what he pulled last go-around—which is what he would be judged by—would be brutal to accomplish.

The shame is that Butch ever left in the first place—as well as burning bridges the way he did when he bailed out. He's admitted that if he could do it all over again, he would've stayed—and Miami would've been in great hands for years to come, as Larry couldn't handle the gig.

Honestly, blame Butch more than the "Butch haters" as (1) he left the program when he shouldn't have and (2) he burned bridges in a way the admin and BOT soured on his *** in a way they wouldn't take him back.

U Thing, I respect your opinion, but this program is at such depths, almost as bad as when Schnelly had to save it, that UM now needs Butch more than Butch needs UM. This is now beyond lobbying and campaigning for Butch. This is live or die mode. Everyone seems to agree that UM has to Rebuild, including the current Head Coach. Al;so, it is refreshing to hear, that many agree that there are not many people out there qualified to rebuild. Thus, if there are not many qualified people out there to do Turnaround, except for maybe Meyer, who will probably go to FSU before Miami, then, Butch is looking more and more as the only possible solution. Love it or not, he is the most qualified for Rebuilding and Conducting a Turnaround. The only three who could be close, but still not in the same league, not having ever had to rebuild on food stamps, the way Butch did in the past, would be Leach, Gundy, or Stoops.
I wanted Butch back in 2016 when Mark Richt was hired—but even that might've been too little, too late. The real time to bring him back was post-Coker, but North Carolina hired him right before LC was let go.

Butch Davis would be 69 years old during the 2020 football season. Bringing him back for what would be a 3-5 year rebuild ... that's rough. Conversely, he was late 50's when he was hired by the Tar Heels and still in his prime.

Cut a lot of corners recruiting the way he did in Chapel Hill—and no way he could recruit at Miami the way he did 20 years ago; different time and place.

Also tough for a guy to come back to a place he once had success—duplicating that. Anything short of what he pulled last go-around—which is what he would be judged by—would be brutal to accomplish.

The shame is that Butch ever left in the first place—as well as burning bridges the way he did when he bailed out. He's admitted that if he could do it all over again, he would've stayed—and Miami would've been in great hands for years to come, as Larry couldn't handle the gig.

Honestly, blame Butch more than the "Butch haters" as (1) he left the program when he shouldn't have and (2) he burned bridges in a way the admin and BOT soured on his *** in a way they wouldn't take him back.
Moreover, Lord help us if FSU gets Meyer. Between FSU and Clemson, at this pace, UM will never see another championship.... any championship. ACC, National Championship, etc. This Category 5 emergency mode.
Show me one quote where Saban says he coaches with a Butch Davis philosophy.
Why don't you 16 years types ask Saban what he was doing at the Butch Davis football camp?
Babers is not a good coach. He had one good year last year, but has looked bad the rest of his career. Including this year.

Couldnt agree more. Flavor of the month.......but as people should be able to see just as much of a corch as dIAZ
I wanted Butch back in 2016 when Mark Richt was hired—but even that might've been too little, too late. The real time to bring him back was post-Coker, but North Carolina hired him right before LC was let go.

Butch Davis would be 69 years old during the 2020 football season. Bringing him back for what would be a 3-5 year rebuild ... that's rough. Conversely, he was late 50's when he was hired by the Tar Heels and still in his prime.

Cut a lot of corners recruiting the way he did in Chapel Hill—and no way he could recruit at Miami the way he did 20 years ago; different time and place.

Also tough for a guy to come back to a place he once had success—duplicating that. Anything short of what he pulled last go-around—which is what he would be judged by—would be brutal to accomplish.

The shame is that Butch ever left in the first place—as well as burning bridges the way he did when he bailed out. He's admitted that if he could do it all over again, he would've stayed—and Miami would've been in great hands for years to come, as Larry couldn't handle the gig.

Honestly, blame Butch more than the "Butch haters" as (1) he left the program when he shouldn't have and (2) he burned bridges in a way the admin and BOT soured on his *** in a way they wouldn't take him back.

I'll say it for the jizzilianest time - Butch and Saban are EXACTLY the same age - and I'm not seeing senility in Saban.

If you think it's hard to come back and be successful where you were before - ask Mack at UNC how that works. He sure dusted our asses good.

This last area is one where you don't have your facts correct:

1. Butch was staying. His agent/attorney and UM were negotiating his contract. Everything was going well - and Butch was told they had a deal - said he was staying - but it was UM who started slow-playing him - but with what he'd done for UM and the football program - he thought it was just standard negotiation practices.

2. The great job he'd done to bring UM out of the ashes - much like Schnellenberger did - caught the attention of the Cleveland Browns - who made him a good offer - and thinking his contract was certain to be agreed to mutually - he turned the Browns down.

3. Time is running out - you gotta have your contract signed or go fish. UM is still slow playing Butch - and thinking he had already turned down the Browns - no other options - and had to stay - AND - agree that all the buyout money if he left - would have to come out of HIS side of the contract. No coach would ever agree to some stupid stipulation like that!

4. Time was OUT. Time to fish or cut bait - and UM thought they held all the cards. They sat pat.

5. Cleveland offered him once again - upping the ante - and since UM ran the clock out - Butch had to eat the * * * * UM offered - or take a huge pay raise with Cleveland. After all he'd done for UM - he was ****ed - and justifiably so.

What would YOU do?
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What is it about phans like you and Butch Davis? The dude was the coach he ***cing quit to go coach for the ***cing browns. HE QUIT key word QUIT and left to go elsewhere.

Yet another who's ignorant of the actions that took place.

One who repeats things learned by rote - and got it wrong!

You probably chant yourself to sleep at night, with "The New Miami, The New Miami, The New Miami" - ad infinitum. Which to me is ad nauseaum.
Yet another who's ignorant of the actions that took place.

One who repeats things learned by rote - and got it wrong!

You probably chant yourself to sleep at night, with "The New Miami, The New Miami, The New Miami" - ad infinitum. Which to me is ad nauseaum.

The dude ***cing quit??? What is this phans base infatuation with quiters??? The guy quit he didn't want to be here and you want to bring back a quitter????

You probably cry yourself to sleep saying" he quit once he wont do it again" he quit once he wont do it again, he quit once he wont do it again
The dude ***cing quit??? What is this phans base infatuation with quiters??? The guy quit he didn't want to be here and you want to bring back a quitter????

You probably cry yourself to sleep saying" he quit once he wont do it again" he quit once he wont do it again, he quit once he wont do it again

OK, jenius. Explain the contract negotiations. And timing.

And the previous refusal to Cleveland?

Did UM fire Schnellenberger, or did Schnellenberger leave MIami for more money?
Did UM fire Jimmy Johnson, or did Jimmy Johnson leave Miami for more money?
Did Um fire Dennis Erickson - or did Dennis Erickson leave Miami - and the next year take an NFL job for more money?


Only UM was responsible for running out the clock on contract negotiations with Butch -

Learn something of which you speak - because you pups don't seem to be able to do anything but regurgitate erroneous crap you heard - from some dumbass.
OK, jenius. Explain the contract negotiations. And timing.

And the previous refusal to Cleveland?

Did UM fire Schnellenberger, or did Schnellenberger leave MIami for more money?
Did UM fire Jimmy Johnson, or did Jimmy Johnson leave Miami for more money?
Did Um fire Dennis Erickson - or did Dennis Erickson leave Miami - and the next year take an NFL job for more money?


Only UM was responsible for running out the clock on contract negotiations with Butch -

Learn something of which you speak - because you pups don't seem to be able to do anything but regurgitate erroneous crap you heard - from some dumbass.

Dude the muthaphukca "QUIT" what more do you need to hear??? He QUIT the team what more do you want??? Hey quiter do you want to come back and coach again??? Please dont quit on us this time around
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