Brugess Owens on TV

It's the same **** all the time. Republicans and now Trump campaign on cutting taxes, spending low and creating jobs. But once they get power, look at what they do? Making social law to impact minorities and non Christians. It's always been their mantra. Even if you hate Trump your logical brain may think well he's a business so let's hope he does that well. Not one policy or measure to help poor people which overwhelming majority of his voters are. That's why me personally don't like the guy because their idea how to fix things is to always infringe on the groups they identify as the problem, which means any body not white. So funny when I see inbred racists here cheering on group of young black kids from the you care.

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Great title for an intended audience that judges books by their covers.

Have you judged it by the cover/title?

Yes and in the same way I would judge a man that looks at himself in the mirror more than my girlfriend.

I'm an attorney. I don't need a catchy, provocative, or scintillating title to read a book.

Stopped reading after that.

An attorney? Shame!
It's the same **** all the time. Republicans and now Trump campaign on cutting taxes, spending low and creating jobs. But once they get power, look at what they do? Making social law to impact minorities and non Christians. It's always been their mantra. Even if you hate Trump your logical brain may think well he's a business so let's hope he does that well. Not one policy or measure to help poor people which overwhelming majority of his voters are. That's why me personally don't like the guy because their idea how to fix things is to always infringe on the groups they identify as the problem, which means any body not white. So funny when I see inbred racists here cheering on group of young black kids from the you care.

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Trump espouses idea of cutting taxes and regulations to stimulate economic growth and help middle class and working poor. Also, the idea is that stimulating the economy will create more jobs, thus helping the poor. I'm a registered Democrat, but I do believe Trump DOES care about helping the poor by creating more and better-paying jobs.

Whether it will work, I don't know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
It's the same **** all the time. Republicans and now Trump campaign on cutting taxes, spending low and creating jobs. But once they get power, look at what they do? Making social law to impact minorities and non Christians. It's always been their mantra. Even if you hate Trump your logical brain may think well he's a business so let's hope he does that well. Not one policy or measure to help poor people which overwhelming majority of his voters are. That's why me personally don't like the guy because their idea how to fix things is to always infringe on the groups they identify as the problem, which means any body not white. So funny when I see inbred racists here cheering on group of young black kids from the you care.

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Trump espouses idea of cutting taxes and regulations to stimulate economic growth and help middle class and working poor. Also, the idea is that stimulating the economy will create more jobs, thus helping the poor. I'm a registered Democrat, but I do believe Trump DOES care about helping the poor by creating more and better-paying jobs.

Whether it will work, I don't know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Haha, you mean like trying to take away poor folks health insurance, a plan that had 22% approval. Or the current tax bill that has 27% approval that's a corporate welfare. His approval his 49-49 in Alabama. Shows what ruby red folks think of him. They're not has dumb as people think. Corrupt, incompetent, childish. The worst thing about it, the policies he's talking about are Paul Ryan brain children. Pathetic.

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Trump espouses idea of cutting taxes and regulations to stimulate economic growth and help middle class and working poor. Also, the idea is that stimulating the economy will create more jobs, thus helping the poor. I'm a registered Democrat, but I do believe Trump DOES care about helping the poor by creating more and better-paying jobs.

Whether it will work, I don't know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

LOL...that trickle down $h!t has never worked.
Wow. Plenty of non-SAMs here. I'm impressed.

I remember Burgess Owens. He was one of my favorites Canes of that era. Turns out he's a simpleton. Too bad. Maybe he simply needs the money. After all, conservatives lap up any book with titles like that, ones that mock liberalism.

The hilarious aspect is that it otherwise has absolutely no benefit. There is indeed an ideological shift going on, and it was revealed in the 2016 presidential election. It just wasn't the shift that aligned with the electoral result, or the brutal conventional wisdom attached. I mentioned this on West End Zone, otherwise known as SAM Central: When I started wagering on politics heavily in the early '90s there was a 12% gap between self-identified liberals and conservatives. It was 33% conservatives and 21% liberals nationwide. I quickly studied every state for how they broke down in those liberal/conservative numbers. That is invaluable toward deciphering meaningful statewide poll numbers, and ones which make no sense given the ideology. Over the past quarter century that gap dropped from 12% to 11%, then 11% to 10%, and in 2016 it finally dipped into single digits, at 35-26% or a 9% gap. I was astonished at the drop to 9%, even as white participation increased, which should have shoved it the other way or kept it at 10% at worst.

The country is steadily becoming more liberal, as the rise from 21% to 26% self-identified liberals over the past quarter century reveals. That is a startling jump. It is verified in issue questioning on subjects that measure ideological attitude and tolerance. So older conservatives like Burgess Owens may be having fun with the familiar simplistic words and taunts, similar to West End Zone, but the country and especially the youth are laughing at that and moving away from them. Trump's approval rating among Americans under 35 years old is 17%, as I mentioned last night.

And for all the conservative desperation to pretend that liberals are weak or weenies or whatever, every reliable study reveals that conservatives are actually the frail segment, the pathetic group bathed in fear. No kidding. That describes every conservative I've ever known, and the block of them who used to fruitlessly try to argue with me in Las Vegas sportsbook circles. They had three sentences of political ammo, and a world of paranoid fear. Conservatives are scared of counter opinion so they surround themselves with like-thinkers. And a comical 88% of conservatives don't trust the truth verification sites like Politico, which constantly revealed that Trump was telling 68-76% lies throughout the 2016 campaign while Hillary was far below average in that category at 28%. Petrified conservatives prefer the world in reverse. Make it go away so we can huddle in fear, while allowing Jeanine Pirro to tell us what to think. I have to give FOX credit for that hire. She is the most hilarious of all.

Here is a recent UCLA finding on conservatives as more scared than liberals. Okay, cue the simplistic ridicule of anything sourcing from California. SAMs are anything but unpredictable:

Daniel Fessler, an anthropology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, led a study in which two sets of subjects read a series of 16 statements, most of which were false, but all of which sounded like they could be true. Some of them focused more on the (fake) benefits of doing something, such as “Exercising on an empty stomach burns more calories,” while others focused on risks, such as, “terrorist attacks in the U.S. have increased since Sept 11, 2001.”

Fessler found that liberals and conservatives, as gauged by questions about their political beliefs and affiliations, were equally likely to believe in the “good” statements, but that conservatives were more likely to believe the scary ones. After explaining that humans, in general and regardless of politics, are more attuned to potential threats than to potential boons, Khazan references the “several studies [that] show that conservatives tend to be more sensitive to the possibility of danger than liberals are. That helps explain why conservatives endorse policies that minimize the introduction of new, potentially harmful influences to society, like immigration, marriage, or comprehensive *** education.” It could also help explain why they’re more likely to spread fake news, of course."
I try to stay away from BS political commentary on this site, but people kill me thinking some some guy is going to lead this country to greatness for us all! Fact is the 1% ers, Corporations and Special Interest financial requests are the only ones whose interests are being addressed. While they entertain and divide the masses with BS like abortion, race, hate, immigration, religion, and the 2nd amendment, they are actively assuring that the ultra wealth, Corporations and Special Interest increase their financial and political control of the country. The banks will hit you with more fees, higher rates and be protected when they ***** up your 401k etc. Mining, Oil & Gas will be unrestricted from sensible safety and environmental restrictions. Electric Co. will continue to control Public Service Commissions and suppress or attempt to gain control of alternative electrical sources. Etc, Etc, Etc. And who do they pray on? The Republican, Democratic and Independent Upper, Middle, low Classes. We all Phucked and stupidly happy when our guy is in the White House.

Intelligent post.
First I thought this is a Canes football board not political. Second I do not like either **** party. Both only concerned with their own agendas and not the good of the people Get rid of all the lawyers on both sides and put common sense people in the house and senate this country would be a lot better off.
All dis political talk; how bout we unite behind talk about Jobe disrespecting dis U and football stuff?
Interesting thread, lots of honesty...refreshing to read even if it is not about football at least it references a great Hurricane from the past.
It's the same **** all the time. Republicans and now Trump campaign on cutting taxes, spending low and creating jobs. But once they get power, look at what they do? Making social law to impact minorities and non Christians. It's always been their mantra. Even if you hate Trump your logical brain may think well he's a business so let's hope he does that well. Not one policy or measure to help poor people which overwhelming majority of his voters are. That's why me personally don't like the guy because their idea how to fix things is to always infringe on the groups they identify as the problem, which means any body not white. So funny when I see inbred racists here cheering on group of young black kids from the you care.

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Trump espouses idea of cutting taxes and regulations to stimulate economic growth and help middle class and working poor. Also, the idea is that stimulating the economy will create more jobs, thus helping the poor. I'm a registered Democrat, but I do believe Trump DOES care about helping the poor by creating more and better-paying jobs.

Whether it will work, I don't know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The tax bill that they're trying to jam down everyone's throat isn't enough for you to give up on hope? The audacity to attempt a money grab in broad daylight while relying on a shill like Paul Ryan to to spoon feed Americans tripe is new level demagoguery. And for the record, I think corporate taxes should be somewhere in the realm of 0-10%.
I try to stay away from BS political commentary on this site, but people kill me thinking some some guy is going to lead this country to greatness for us all! Fact is the 1% ers, Corporations and Special Interest financial requests are the only ones whose interests are being addressed. While they entertain and divide the masses with BS like abortion, race, hate, immigration, religion, and the 2nd amendment, they are actively assuring that the ultra wealth, Corporations and Special Interest increase their financial and political control of the country. The banks will hit you with more fees, higher rates and be protected when they ***** up your 401k etc. Mining, Oil & Gas will be unrestricted from sensible safety and environmental restrictions. Electric Co. will continue to control Public Service Commissions and suppress or attempt to gain control of alternative electrical sources. Etc, Etc, Etc. And who do they pray on? The Republican, Democratic and Independent Upper, Middle, low Classes. We all Phucked and stupidly happy when our guy is in the White House.

Us 1 percenters don't get the hate. Should I give all my money away so you'll like me?
You’re a self absorbed, egotistical *****.
I try to stay away from BS political commentary on this site, but people kill me thinking some some guy is going to lead this country to greatness for us all! Fact is the 1% ers, Corporations and Special Interest financial requests are the only ones whose interests are being addressed. While they entertain and divide the masses with BS like abortion, race, hate, immigration, religion, and the 2nd amendment, they are actively assuring that the ultra wealth, Corporations and Special Interest increase their financial and political control of the country. The banks will hit you with more fees, higher rates and be protected when they ***** up your 401k etc. Mining, Oil & Gas will be unrestricted from sensible safety and environmental restrictions. Electric Co. will continue to control Public Service Commissions and suppress or attempt to gain control of alternative electrical sources. Etc, Etc, Etc. And who do they pray on? The Republican, Democratic and Independent Upper, Middle, low Classes. We all Phucked and stupidly happy when our guy is in the White House.

Us 1 percenters don't get the hate. Should I give all my money away so you'll like me?

This. Over the past 2 years I've worked my *** off and reaped the rewards of pushing into and around this percent. Not a **** thing was promised to father was a truck driver and mother a teacher. There is no guarantee that I will stay there. I have to keep pushing...keep busting my ***. I got there thru hard ******* work...I'll be damned if you pvssies want to not do **** and whine your way into taking more of my hard earned money. I could give a fvck what you think.

Of course socialism and liberalism is taking over...b/c its much easier to sit back and ***** about not having the things you want without doing a **** thing about it. Especially the youth...they expect to get outta college and make 6 figures. That's why you have some of those pvssies suing their universities b/c they were promised a great salary after graduating with their Social Studies degree. Surprise!!! It turns out no one wants to pay you for your knowledge of the "evolution of dance" or some other random diploma. So keep crying, you tears are delicious. Especially you Awsi Dookie.