Brown talks offensive issues and updates team as UM readies for BC

For as God awful as Mark Richt the OC is, Mark Richt the talent evaluator and Mark Richt the talent developer may be even worse. An ex-QB with years of experience who insists on calling plays hasn't been able to find a functional QB by his 3rd year here.

I'm not talking superstar QB, I just mean functional. There is simply no defense of the job Mark Richt has done in that regard. Our depth chart at the QB position is a DIRECT indictment on him.
Tell us how you feel about Richt
Coach Brown kept it honest across the board was very critical of the coaching more than the players even when it came to lack of execution. I think we will see a better offense come Friday.

he also said we're rotating too many OL in and this week its been reported that Jahair Jones has been running with the ones all week....

So much for them seeing bad choices and fixing em..
QB Malik
RB Homer, Dallas, Gray
WR Thomas, Cager, Wiggins, Harley
TE Jordan, Mallory
LT St. Louis
LG Jones
C Gauthier
RG Donaldson
RT Scaife
These guys are just pocketing money. And who is to blame... Rich, he’s taking care of all his buddies, especially, his son. At least mask the hiring of your kid with some real coaches in front of him. Honestly, besides Rich who else has some serious credentials on this staph?? Ok, Manny, who’s next??
That too much stuff in that simplified *** offense mess is the same **** Richt is spewing. It's a way of again blaming the kids and saying they're not smart enough to retain it. Accountability, Richt, learn it!
After watching film over the bye week, offensive coordinator Thomas Brown shared his thoughts on the Canes’ offensive performance in their 16-13 loss to UVA.

“It was frustrating, we watched it as a whole unit," Brown said. "A lot of stuff has obviously been said about the game and how we performed but it boils down to our lack of execution, which starts with us first as coaches.

“We got to do a better job at coaching our guys and either we’re doing a poor job at coaching our guys or we got too much stuff in our offense that they can’t retain and can’t execute well. Are we playing too many guys? We have to sort some of that stuff out and I know some of the answers to that already, but all around we got to do a better job of preparing these guys and they got to go out and do what we tell them to.”

Brown referenced playing too many guys at times and says shortening the rotations at some positions has been discussed among the staff. Which positions might we see that at?

“I think everywhere across the board - up front maybe we’re rotating too many guys at certain times,” Brown said. “Receiver-wise, those guys are very talented, we have to make sure they know what they’re doing in every situation. Especially when it comes to run blocking, we had a bunch of missed assignments. When it comes to the perimeter blocking, which had been great, we have some young guys that just don’t get it yet, haven’t understood what it takes to be great here yet. We’ll get it fixed, though.”

The Canes are tied for 73rd in the country in total offense at just under 400 yards per game and Brown thinks improving his unit’s execution and focus will solve some of the problems on the offensive side of the ball.

“The biggest thing is make sure your guys are focused all the time," Brown said. "We're playing the right guys to help us be successful - just execute. If you don't execute it doesn't even matter. ... It's all about execution."

Miami has played musical QB’s the past few weeks, and has landed on Malik Rosier as the starter for the Boston College game on Friday. Despite the friction, Rosier and N’Kosi Perry have maintained a good relationship according to Brown.

“They’ve been great. Those guys are both loyal to this program, loyal to each other,” Brown said. “They never turn their backs to each other. They continue to push each other and compete together, so like I said from the get go when we first made the move to N’Kosi (Perry), the more guys we have helping us in each spot, the better we are going to be in the long run.”

With Lorenzo Lingard out with a knee injury, Brown declined to say who would be the third string RB against Boston College.

“We’ll see when the game comes,” Brown said. “We’ll see who the third guy is when we get going in the game.”

On RT DJ Scaife, who made his first career start last game against UVA: “DJ has been doing really well, is gaining more confidence, knows what to do and is playing his butt off.”

Brown is preparing to face a BC defense that has racked up the third most sacks in the country and is led by defensive ends Wyatt Ray (8.5 sacks) and Zach Allen (4.5).

“They’re tough as ****,” Brown said. “They’re hard to run against, have two of the best D ends in the country, get after the quarterback so we have to do a good job out of staying out of third and seven-and-long. They come and get the quarterback in a hurry. Very kind of a don’t-beat-themselves type defense, experienced guys, older guys, know what to do.”

he also said we're rotating too many OL in and this week its been reported that Jahair Jones has been running with the ones all week....

So much for them seeing bad choices and fixing em..

They can't fix the most glaring problems: the OL and QB position both suck. The recruiting/development has been terrible and unacceptable for year 3. Now it's rearranging the deck chairs (the broken, rotting, made in China deckchairs). Should we use broken, rotting, made in China deckchair A or should we take turns rotating broken, rotting, made in China deckchairs A + B? It's a futile, meaningless exercise.

Recruit better and develop better or continue to suck.
These guys are just pocketing money. And who is to blame... Rich, he’s taking care of all his buddies, especially, his son. At least mask the hiring of your kid with some real coaches in front of him. Honestly, besides Rich who else has some serious credentials on this staph?? Ok, Manny, who’s next??

I agree that it's not a qualified group of coaches on paper but coaching jobs is about who you know.

M. Richt
J. Richt - coach's son
Brown - played for Richt
Dugans - played for Richt
Hartley - coached with Richt at UGA
Searels - coached with Richt at UGA
Diaz - coached with Richt at FSU
Simpson - knew Richt from Buford HS
Banda - coached with Diaz at Texas, MSU
Patke - coached with Diaz at La Tech and MSU
Rumph - knew Richt from Heritage
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How long are we gonna ******* say “ we gotta execute better “ ? It’s been going on for almost a whole calendar year at this point.

“Maybe we’re not doing a good job of coaching” is also frustrating.
“We got to do a better job at coaching our guys and either we’re doing a poor job at coaching our guys or we got too much stuff in our offense that they can’t retain and can’t execute well.”

Great quote for our rivals to pounce on Coach B.

That too much stuff in that simplified *** offense mess is the same **** Richt is spewing. It's a way of again blaming the kids and saying they're not smart enough to retain it. Accountability, Richt, learn it!

you see it too....this staff is crazy..they really don't scout the country...they think their **** don't stink.
How long are we gonna ******* say “ we gotta execute better “ ? It’s been going on for almost a whole calendar year at this point.

“Maybe we’re not doing a good job of coaching” is also frustrating.

Try 15 years.
the problem with this whole 'execution' card is then why ever fire coaches if it's just on the players to 'execute'?
what I cant seem to get is CMR has a huge play sheet which looks covered with something but what is written on it? he only calls like 8 plays so is it just fake plays