Brown speaks on offensive struggles and locker room "cancers"

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Y’all blowing this out of proportion this was brought up after a reporter was talking about homers leadership abilities.
Susan Miller degnan asked if you are not a leader or not a follower than what are you? And he said you are cancer, 1 is enough and he’s not talking about guys individually but just in general . about at the 3:35 mark
This guy has got to go in the off season no way he earning his salary here. Fire him and bring Yost or another innovative coordinator likely won’t happen but that would be the ideal move.
Y’all blowing this out of proportion
Susan Miller degnan asked if you are not a leader or not a follower than me what are you? And he said you are cancer, 1 is enough and he’s not talking about guys individually but just in general that’s why context is key

Doesn’t take a genius to figure out what he’s saying, and to say you can only be one of those three categories is idiotic. You have a system that you have puppet boys who are the leaders and follow everything to a T, then you have followers who don’t speak out and just listen and agree with everything and then you have cancers? What about the other individual who agrees with some or most of the system but challenges you on parts that don’t make sense. I’d say there are 4 types of people and most of the time the type Brown didn’t mention are the most successful or help make the product better and evolve
Y’all blowing this out of proportion
Susan Miller degnan asked if you are not a leader or not a follower than what are you? And he said you are cancer, 1 is enough and he’s not talking about guys individually but just in general . about at the 3:35 mark

Brock, I you know like Coach Brown but you don't really know what you're talking about in this instance.

It's not just the cancer comments, but he was absolutely talking about individual players on the Offense today & that's not an educated guess on my part.
God Susan does it again. First person that should get fired is her! Then we can talk about OC.
God Susan does it again. First person that should get fired is her! Then we can talk about OC.

I usually don’t bash Susan because she seems like a very nice lady and for the most part all our beat reporters suck, but when she asked Jeff Thomas about the over thrown pass it just made me cringe. As a reporter be direct with your question and she just beats around the bush and makes a specific play become a not so specific play
Dumb. Insultingly dumb. If you are not executing that's on you. Also, if the reason you require high levels of "execution" to succeed is because you are vanilla and lack creativity, that is also on you and also basically an admission that you are unable to adapt. All of the above is a massive indictment of your coaching ability.

I always thought the goal of a good coach was to put your players in the best position to succeed. To do that you need to consider their inherent ability. Brown makes it sound like he just wants them to bang their head against the wall harder because he's not changing anything.
I usually don’t bash Susan because she seems like a very nice lady and for the most part all our beat reporters suck, but when she asked Jeff Thomas about the over thrown pass it just made me cringe. As a reporter be direct with your question and she just beats around the bush and makes a specific play become a not so specific play

Jeff wanted no part in answering that question either lol. He knew where she was going with it and he wasn't about to answer it the way he wanted to. #4 looks miserable.
Brock, I you know like Coach Brown but you don't really know what you're talking about in this instance.

It's not just the cancer comments, but he was absolutely talking about individual players on the Offense today & that's not an educated guess on my part.
Naw he answered the cancer comments perfectly and it’s a non issue imo. I would answer it the same way if you not leading or you ain’t following the leaders then what the fvck are you doing? .

But i completely disagree with what he said about execution, I don’t know how anyone can sit up and say that honestly after what we have experienced the last 3 games or so. Yes the execution hasn’t been perfect but guess what? It never is, you have a flawed system if the only way a play work is everybody have to a perfect job period and that’s just my take on that
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He 100% knew that he f%cked up when he made the cancer comment, that’s why he quickly tried to fix it by saying he wasn’t singling anyone out. He meant exactly what he said, he just tried to water it down a little bit with his backpedaling.
He’s towing the company line obviously

nwaw he answered the cancer comments perfectly and it’s a non issue imo. I would answer it the same way if you not leading or you ain’t following the leaders then what the fvck are you doing? .

But i completely disagree with what he said about execution, I don’t know how anyone can sit up and say that honestly after what we have experienced the last 3 games or so. Yes the execution hasn’t been perfect but guess what? It never is, you have a flawed system if the only way a play work is everybody have to a perfect job period and that’s just my take on that

Agreeing with most of concept or system but still challenging things when you see flaws, that’s how companies or people typically get better, why wasn’t that included as an option
To **** with Thomas Brown. This staff is in full-on "save my *** & paychecks no matter what" mode. Grown *** man throwing players under the bus.

Thomas Brown's resume prior to being handed the OC position:
2004-2007 - Played under Richt at UGA
2008-2010 - Failed NFL RB (Falcons, Browns)
2011 - Assistant S&C coach (Georgia)
2012 - RB coach (Chattanooga)
2013 - RB coach (Marshall)
2014 - RB coach (Wisconsin)
2015 - RB coach (Georgia)

I'd honestly be interested in knowing how many former RBs have become successful OCs. RB is the most instinctual, least cerebral position on offense. What on that resume qualifies him to be an OC at a major program? This is almost as bad as the Richt Jr. money grab. Look at that resume. He never coached more than 1 year anywhere else & was never promoted until he got to Miami - and the kids are the cancers? Get this worthless POS TFOH. The paychecks must be coming in handy considering his career NFL earnings of $630,000 ( He's made 5x that in his ongoing 3-year burglary at Miami.
Fake *** coach Thomas Brown digging in his heels, getting defensive, and blaming the players. This never ends well.

Thanks, CoRch Rix.

Thanks, Blake James.
Brown is stealing money.

But, I think ya'll are being a little harsh. Homer, DeeJay Dallas, and Choc Gray have all been impressive in some regard under his coaching...also, getting Lingard, Cam Davis, and (hopefully) Crowley is great recruiting at the position (throw in DeeJay as well, FWIW).

Of the problems at the University, Brown rates really low on the list, IMO. Bigger fish to fry.
Thomas Brown keeping it real as usual... playcalling aside this team was beating UVa and wouldve beaten Boston College the last two years under this same offense. The team needs to figure it out and step up.