Brian Hightower Transfers to Illinois

there are winners and losers kid, when we played FIU/GT/Duke/LT were we the loser, they were the better team and history will show it that way for eternity. It's a simple fact you ca on not seem to grasp

You still haven't answered some relatively simply questions. But I am feeling gracious right now so I'll explain it to you slowly, son.

When two teams play a single college football game, there are typically two potential outcomes: win or lose. One team is a winner of that game, and the other team will, naturally, be a loser of that game. FIU/GT/Duke/LaT all beat UM last year. Nobody (except you, now) is trying debating those cold facts.

But if you scroll back up and read the text, what you might realize is you illogically claimed, "unfortunately the scoreboard and official records prove FIU, Duke, GT and Louisiana Technical were the better teams. It is an actual fact and will remain that way for eternity...." Trying to help your lizard brain grasp the concept, I responded that, "The only thing a scoreboard can "prove" is who won the game. Everything else is an inference from that single fact."

What you have done here is: (1) confuse your salty, sand-in-your-****** focused emotions about how last year went down with reality; (2) confuse "actual fact" (i.e., that UM lost to FIU/GT/Duke/LaT) with your sandy opinions formed from those facts (i.e., that UM is a worse team than all of those teams because we lost to them); (3) attempt to illogically attribute your mis-informed opinion of which team is "better" to which team won or lost; and (4) speciously attempted to shift the conversation to acknowledgment of who won or lost those games, when the question was and remains which team is better. But nowhere in your incoherent rambling did you ever answer any of my questions, presumably because you know however you answer, you'll look like a clown at this point.

If it isn't painfully clear to you by now, the only person here who can't grasp "simple facts" is you. There mere fact of winning or losing one game alone does not equate to one team being overall better/worse than another. History is full of the "worse" team winning, and the "better" team losing. If what you were saying is true, then how is it possible that two teams can play twice in the same season and a different result occurs? Wouldn't the first team winning make them (by your logic) "better," which by your logic would make it impossible for them to lose the second game (because the better team always wins)?

Smarten the fvck up. I won't always be here to help you, son.
There's actually an indica strain called Deep Sleep lol.

But the best Indica's for sleep are all Kush, OG, Master Kush, Purple Kush, Sensi Star, GDP & God'd Gift (my personal favorite).

I have bad insomnia too & the Kush helps a lot to get me to sleep, but I don't smoke right before I have to smoke probably 2-4 hours before I go to sleep, if I smoke right before I try to go to sleep I'll be up all night lol.
So her best bet is to smoke out a couple hours before bed? That's a smart suggestion. What's your thoughts on the homemade tincture game? Is God's Gift a good sleep-inducer?
OK, well you made my point with yes I guess, but not answering the other tells me alot champ.....thanks

Were you aware Illinois beat a Top 10 Wisconsin team last season that has butt****ed us two years straight??

I'm going to assume you are not

And we beat a ranked UVA team. Like I’ve been saying this whole thread, one game doesn’t definitively prove one team is better than the other. Illinois was not a bette team than Wisconsin.
You still haven't answered some relatively simply questions. But I am feeling gracious right now so I'll explain it to you slowly, son.

When two teams play a single college football game, there are typically two potential outcomes: win or lose. One team is a winner of that game, and the other team will, naturally, be a loser of that game. FIU/GT/Duke/LaT all beat UM last year. Nobody (except you, now) is trying debating those cold facts.

But if you scroll back up and read the text, what you might realize is you illogically claimed, "unfortunately the scoreboard and official records prove FIU, Duke, GT and Louisiana Technical were the better teams. It is an actual fact and will remain that way for eternity...." Trying to help your lizard brain grasp the concept, I responded that, "The only thing a scoreboard can "prove" is who won the game. Everything else is an inference from that single fact."

What you have done here is: (1) confuse your salty, sand-in-your-****** focused emotions about how last year went down with reality; (2) confuse "actual fact" (i.e., that UM lost to FIU/GT/Duke/LaT) with your sandy opinions formed from those facts (i.e., that UM is a worse team than all of those teams because we lost to them); (3) attempt to illogically attribute your mis-informed opinion of which team is "better" to which team won or lost; and (4) speciously attempted to shift the conversation to acknowledgment of who won or lost those games, when the question was and remains which team is better. But nowhere in your incoherent rambling did you ever answer any of my questions, presumably because you know however you answer, you'll look like a clown at this point.

If it isn't painfully clear to you by now, the only person here who can't grasp "simple facts" is you. There mere fact of winning or losing one game alone does not equate to one team being overall better/worse than another. History is full of the "worse" team winning, and the "better" team losing. If what you were saying is true, then how is it possible that two teams can play twice in the same season and a different result occurs? Wouldn't the first team winning make them (by your logic) "better," which by your logic would make it impossible for them to lose the second game (because the better team always wins)?

Smarten the fvck up. I won't always be here to help you, son.
Holy Snowflake Novels..... when you gotta type that much kid you have lost, I dont even need to read that slop
You still haven't answered some relatively simply questions. But I am feeling gracious right now so I'll explain it to you slowly, son.

When two teams play a single college football game, there are typically two potential outcomes: win or lose. One team is a winner of that game, and the other team will, naturally, be a loser of that game. FIU/GT/Duke/LaT all beat UM last year. Nobody (except you, now) is trying debating those cold facts.

But if you scroll back up and read the text, what you might realize is you illogically claimed, "unfortunately the scoreboard and official records prove FIU, Duke, GT and Louisiana Technical were the better teams. It is an actual fact and will remain that way for eternity...." Trying to help your lizard brain grasp the concept, I responded that, "The only thing a scoreboard can "prove" is who won the game. Everything else is an inference from that single fact."

What you have done here is: (1) confuse your salty, sand-in-your-****** focused emotions about how last year went down with reality; (2) confuse "actual fact" (i.e., that UM lost to FIU/GT/Duke/LaT) with your sandy opinions formed from those facts (i.e., that UM is a worse team than all of those teams because we lost to them); (3) attempt to illogically attribute your mis-informed opinion of which team is "better" to which team won or lost; and (4) speciously attempted to shift the conversation to acknowledgment of who won or lost those games, when the question was and remains which team is better. But nowhere in your incoherent rambling did you ever answer any of my questions, presumably because you know however you answer, you'll look like a clown at this point.

If it isn't painfully clear to you by now, the only person here who can't grasp "simple facts" is you. There mere fact of winning or losing one game alone does not equate to one team being overall better/worse than another. History is full of the "worse" team winning, and the "better" team losing. If what you were saying is true, then how is it possible that two teams can play twice in the same season and a different result occurs? Wouldn't the first team winning make them (by your logic) "better," which by your logic would make it impossible for them to lose the second game (because the better team always wins)?

Smarten the fvck up. I won't always be here to help you, son.

At least someone gets it.
CiS, the site where you can lose games and still be the better team, what a utopia. Nevermind the fact they all beat Miami on the field that day, making them the better team that day.

So if that's the case what teams on our schedule last year do you snowflakes think were better than us? you know since you think who won the actual games can not tell us......
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And the offense was tailored to short explosive recievers. Only exception being d because of how he could take the top off the field. But go on.
the offense that scored 0 points vs LT, that one was tailored???? Good thing we dont have big WRs like Clemson....

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So her best bet is to smoke out a couple hours before bed? That's a smart suggestion. What's your thoughts on the homemade tincture game? Is God's Gift a good sleep-inducer?
CBD tinctures are supposed to be very effective, but I'm not well versed on the experience because I don't really use them or need them. I either smoke or eat an edible, I haven't gotten into tinctures yet, but they're supposed to kick in super quick, I don't like the instant effect type, so I never use'em.

And in a low dosage GG can be a very good sleep inducer, depending on when & how you consume. If you smoke a half a joint it can get you right, or even vape. But God's Gift is a heavy strain, so if you smoke too much, you'll be pretty **** loaded for a while lol.

Idk if there is any strain that will literally knock you out to sleep, but most of the strains I listed earlier are good to help you get sleep & stay asleep.
Yeah, you gotta really do your research to find the right strain of Hybrids because of how everything is crossbreed nowadays & quality really deteriorates depending on who/where you get it from.

The best bet is to become a cultivator yourself & grown your own plants, once you learn how to do it you can basically manufacture any strain you want if you germinate the seeds correctly.

@Liberty City El ???

CBD tinctures are supposed to be very effective, but I'm not well versed on the experience because I don't really use them or need them. I either smoke or eat an edible, I haven't gotten into tinctures yet, but they're supposed to kick in super quick, I don't like the instant effect type, so I never use'em.

And in a low dosage GG can be a very good sleep inducer, depending on when & how you consume. If you smoke a half a joint it can get you right, or even vape. But God's Gift is a heavy strain, so if you smoke too much, you'll be pretty **** loaded for a while lol.

Idk if there is any strain that will literally knock you out to sleep, but most of the strains I listed earlier are good to help you get sleep & stay asleep.
High myrcene is the key. This is actually a hybrid that is only about 21% thc, which is still a good amount, but the myrcene is at 1.13% which is great. Carophylene and linalool are good too. I’m not a fan of too much Limonene and one of the Pinene’s. - can’t remember if it’s A or B is ok and the other is more alerting.

there are winners and losers kid, when we played FIU/GT/Duke/LT we were the loser, they were the better team and history will show it that way for eternity. It's a simple fact you cannnot seem to grasp

but good chat man, maybe you should tell the NCAA to take that FIU loss and a few others off our 2019 record with this strong argument you are making here, tell them you know we were the better team, we just lost those games .....LMAO, take the L and move on snowflake, it happens

So the 2007 Stanford team that went 4-8 is better than the 2007 USC team that went 11-2 and won the Rose Bowl?