MEGA Bowl Games Mega Thread: Baga vs. Byzantine Baga

They look less interested than Miss St last night. Amazing to me that Howell is playing and this is what’s going on. You would think guys would be playing hard for their QB
I know it is bad form but watching the baby blues get beat down is just fun times. Remember when those nerds were gonna “make a statement”
UNC quietly put together a great recruiting class, and got some animals in the trenches two years in a row, and that QB Maye was coveted by some big time programs. Gonna be some interesting battles with them going forward, but it still drives me nuts how we even have a losing streak to them.
UNC quietly put together a great recruiting class, and got some animals in the trenches two years in a row, and that QB Maye was coveted by some big time programs. Gonna be some interesting battles with them going forward, but it still drives me nuts how we even have a losing streak to them.
Thank beta manny and his daddy Mack brown
Pittsburgh vs Michigan State would have been interesting if Pickett and Walker hadn’t opted out of the game.
It would have been much more interesting to watch. Bowl games that are not the playoffs are a joke now. Between players opting out for the NFL draft, guys going into the portal, coaching changes happening during this time, and throw in some Covid and you have a joke of a situation. If the playoff games start getting hit by these factors then it will be a complete joke. A star QB decides to sit out the playoffs because he is the number one pick and the dominoes will start to fall. The sport is changing fast right before our eyes.
Shidd I ain’t even watching this one tbh.

Just bought a house in Brazil earlier this year and just landed here yesterday.

Right now just at the beach with some of my Brazilian homegirls below. So I ain’t really watching todays games.

Got a New Years party at my homies house tomorrow so I probably miss the CFP unless he got ESPN…..

Can always watch later though.

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Some Paranos specials tossed in for entertainment? Only a few for this old man.
Purdue's TE Payne Durham just made a ridiculous TD against Tenn.... got to watch the replays
Great play. Tennessee #22 with no awareness of the situation. He caught up with the TE around the 15 and could have made the tackle short of the goal line. He went for the strip instead. Stupid.