Blake James: No coaching changes

Awesome article. On a side note, the article mentions Mattingly and Marlins mutual interest. Mattingly quit the Dodgers b/c of the Marlin's pursuit of him. That is a fact. Not hearsay
Blake James looks like a ****** and thinks like *****. You can tell this ***** from Maine has not a drop of care for sports and only sees this as a good job that pays well and we the fans are of no importance to him. Compare him to Pat Haden who loves USCw football so much that he was pretty much campaigning for his job bc some (not all like 99% of this fan base wants Golden gone) wanted him fired bc of their HC situation.
Its obvious that the school doesn't care anymore so why we as fans put ourselves through this bs every weekend and watch other schools do what's needs to be done and because relevant?
"e've got to evaluate everything, assess where we're at, look at schemes and personnel and see what direction we want to go. It starts with me. I've got to watch all three phases tonight.”

Al said this today but it's literaly word for word the same speach after every loss.
Al Golden is the definition of insanity.
Blake and al should be fired this evening.

Fraulden's hand could be forced. Coley and Dorito could be fired immediately. If Fraulden has a clause giving him the right to keep them, then suspend them for non-performance (with pay).

Of course it won't happen, but one can dream.

Most toxic environment I've ever experienced with the program. It's beyond explanation.
They need to get rid of Blake. He's a really bad AD.

Probably the worst AD UM has ever had.
After Cincy..."We haven't played a Conference game yet".
After FSU..."We haven't played a Coastal game yet"
Now after the Clemson embarrassment..."We've played one division opponent. There's a lot of football left in our division, and that's where our focus needs to be.
"Our focus doesn't need to be on the outside. We need to fix the things we need to fix and move forward quickly. That's my responsibility."

No more fixing. You've had plenty of time to fix.

Times up Al.
It's time to face facts: This university does NOT want a football team anymore They didn't when they hired this damned fool. Any hire they make now is just gonna be some POS like Mario. Miami football is dead. Even if they found someone worth chit to coach this team it will require a TOTAL rebuilding job in every phase of the program. Just totally disgusted with this joke of a school. Eff everyone associated wait this ****show. ABOMINATION!
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