Blake James: No coaching changes

Anyone saying this is par for the course is an *** hat. It's par for the course for a fundraising piece of **** with no business running things. The north Texas AD relieved his coach at the half, and USCw told Kiffin to find his own way home. This is not par for the course.

Focus shift to Blake and Frenk, STAT.
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Fake Jimmy is a worthless sack of ****. I hope he gets run over by a steam roller. Then, I'll take his flattened body and use it as toilet paper and a *** towel.
Losing by a field goal is disappointing. Losing 58-0 is unacceptable. Blake James answers to the BOT. And the BOT should inform Blake that he cans Al or he can head back to Maine and start selling tickets again. I mean, what the **** were we thinking hiring a Maine ticket salesman to run the athletic department?????
I don't expect him to say otherwise, just hope that privately they are on full steam ahead for the next coach
Al Golden won't get FIRED until the end of the season. They won't fire him during the season. He deserves to be FIRED Right NOW !!!
No need for this statement right now, you say nothing. Instead he endorses a coach that just got his **** pushed in by a guy named Dabo!
No need for this statement right now, you say nothing. Instead he endorses a coach that just got his **** pushed in by a guy named Dabo!

This. All the "what do you expect him to say?" guys don't get it. I expect him to say, "I have no comment on our HC at this time" then go to the lockerroom and fire him. You don't come out and make concrete declarations like Fake made.
Fake Jimmy is a worthless sack of ****. I hope he gets run over by a steam roller. Then, I'll take his flattened body and use it as toilet paper and a *** towel.

I personally wouldn't let that POS have the honor of touching my ***** or have the privilege of touching my man juices. But hey, your heart is in the right place.
Let's see what happens over the rest of the weekend.

Flames are too hot and from too many directions for inaction to continue. BOT's ****ed, former players are ****ed, fans are livid - Golden is cooked and done.
Let's see what happens over the rest of the weekend.

Flames are too hot and from too many directions for inaction to continue. BOT's ****ed, former players are ****ed, fans are livid - Golden is cooked and done.

Please let there be movement. There's this recent article:

Postscripts, internal and external reaction after UM's humiliating drubbing; Golden's explanation | Sports Buzz

More specifically:

"This is still an attractive job, one that a bunch of quality candidates will covet --- because of the tradition, the inherent recruiting advantage of being based in South Florida, the fact it’s a name school in a power five conference.

I’ve already heard from the agent for one coach who has won 10 games in a season and had considerable success; he conveyed to me his client’s interest. (Sorry, I was asked not to use his name)."

Obviously we have to know who it is. But almost anything is better than Golden at this point. Except Cristobal.
Okay, so at this point the literal only reason, ****** as it may be, for not firing Golden has to be that the language in his contract will make it much cheaper to fire him at the end of the year than right now. But it better be a ******* gigantic difference in money if Blake James seriously won't fire him after this. This is the worst game of football i have ever seen, and the worst loss in Miami history, and he says nothing has changed, he'll be evaluated after the season.

I mean, there literally can't be another reason other than that, can there? I mean that is even a stupid as **** reason, but **** man, there's gotta at least be a reason.