Biggest surprises so far

Gables Canes

Jan 10, 2017
A quarter of the way into the season, which of our players have surprised you the most (in a positive way) so far?

On offense:
- the freshmen backs. I knew Chaney and Knighton had a ton of potential, but they've both exceeded my early expectations. Chaney was billed by soft as some, but in fact he has proven to be quite the opposite. He is the toughest looking inside runner on the team. Knighton is even more explosive that I expected this early.
- the entire offensive line. What a pleasant surprise they've been, particularly with pass protection. Scheme and King are certainly aiding them a lot, but there's no question they've improved drastically. I really think taking Donaldson out of the equation has helped. Mammoth OL's who can't move are turning into a thing of the past

On defense:
- Harrison Hunt: I did not expect him to look THIS good so quickly. He should start to outweigh Ford's reps soon
- Frierson: I thought Smith was going to pass him at the striker role. This is a case of competition bringing out the best in a player. Frierson looks like a totally different player than last season
Nesta has taken that next step past just having a bull rush.
Mallory is a big dude and shows it.
Cam Harris runs like a gazelle.

I can't think of any areas where my expectations haven't been exceeded or my fears allayed.
Def thought Cam would have had his lunch taken by now. Nah. He keeps this up and he could be a day 2 pick because he will definitely run well in Indy. His vision is vastly improved and he is a tough SOB that can pull away from defenses.
The running backs as a whole have surprised me. I really wasn't expecting much from Cam based on last year (I know - Enos) and although I was excited about the freshman backs, I was not expecting them to show this much already.
From an overall team perspective, the offense has blown me away.

Individually, on offense the RB’s have lived up to the hype. King has been the ultimate difference maker. Jordan back to his Mackey ways. And the OL has been a pleasant surprise.

On defense, Phillips, Bolden, Nesta and the young DL’s have been outstanding. And I think we should give some love to the CB’s. We were all concerned about them but they’ve held their own.
The offensive line AINEC. They were so bad last year, a complete 180.
Maybe I bought into it too much, but I figured with 1) a new coach 2) a more friendly offense 3) a QB that would get rid of it faster and 4) not really losing anyone with everyone getting another year under them that there had to be improvement. Pleasantly surprised, that it definitely has been more than I was expecting
OL for sure. Also a bit surprised one of the WR's hasn't elevated their game in Lashlee's offense - I thought Payton would be a big contributor by now.
I would be a hypocrite if I didnt say Cam Harris after I trashed the kid and said last year that he didnt look like a kid who would be a starting RB on a top 5-10 team. Welp was completely wrong on that Hot BS take. Cam is the man and am happy for him. Worked hard, didnt get spooked by Lingard coming in with all the hype, and is reaping the rewards. Hope you enjoyed that cigar, kid!

On defense, its Bubba and not close. I was the leader of the Bubba fan club while others were saying GHall was going to be the one to bust out but even I didnt expect this. Hes playing at an All-American level right now. Forget All-ACC. Hes been so good, does it really matter who the other safety beside him is right now? Carter or Hall? (shrug) I hear people afraid that GHall is going to miss the first half of the Clemson. Ummmmm..Okay. LOL. Bubba has been that good. Who would have said that in the Spring? Kudos to him as well.