
The hypocrisy of the NFL on full display. We will make every other commercial during broadcasts sports betting commercials, where you can bet on our games, but an employee, who doesn't have any ability to affect the outcome said games, and NOTES THAT IT IS FOR CHARITY gets canned. Keep in mind, you get suspended longer for betting on games, that you aren't participating in compared to beating your wife or potentially committing sexual assault. Make it make sense.
Incredible duplicity at work w/ that franchise considering they guaranteed a sexual predator a quarter of a billion dollars.
I agree with both of these positions. The NFL makes boatloads of money because of gambling on the sport, and Bernie's position is not one where he could actually influence the outcome of the game (so there shouldn't be any concerns about fair competition). The NFL just doesn't like anything or anyone that ruins their wholesome, as-American-as-apple-pie façade, and that's the only reason to penalize someone like Bernie for something like this.

That said, as an employee he really should know and abide by the terms of his employment. Ignorance of those rules/regulations/policies (even when they are stupid and hypocritical rules/regulations/policies) is no defense.
Bernie couldn’t influence the outcome of a game but could possibly have insider, unreleased information that give him an unfair advantage. Far-fetched maybe but still…

Rules are rules.
Bernie couldn’t influence the outcome of a game but could possibly have insider, unreleased information that give him an unfair advantage. Far-fetched maybe but still…

Rules are rules.
Great point. And although he bet for them - how exactly should the rule work? Can only bet FOR a team you’re involved with but never AGAINST? We can all agree that betting against affiliated teams is a recipe for throwing games.
Great point. And although he bet for them - how exactly should the rule work? Can only bet FOR a team you’re involved with but never AGAINST? We can all agree that betting against affiliated teams is a recipe for throwing games.
Good question. I think the NFL’s answer is ‘no gambling’. The absolute worst thing that could happen to the NFL is someone being able to prove the outcome of a game was not decided on the field.

This is why even any association with gambling, legal or not, is forbidden. IIRC Namath had to sell his interest in a NY nightclub after known mobsters would visit. Why it took 30+ years to get Stabler in the HOF - he was frequently connected with Mississippi gambling interests.

Look at CFB - Drew Brees became a volunteer/interim assistant coach and the Purdue bowl game had to be taken off the boards after it was learned Brees had some interest in a NJ casino (or something like that).
Good question. I think the NFL’s answer is ‘no gambling’. The absolute worst thing that could happen to the NFL is someone being able to prove the outcome of a game was not decided on the field.

This is why even any association with gambling, legal or not, is forbidden. IIRC Namath had to sell his interest in a NY nightclub after known mobsters would visit. Why it took 30+ years to get Stabler in the HOF - he was frequently connected with Mississippi gambling interests.

Look at CFB - Drew Brees became a volunteer/interim assistant coach and the Purdue bowl game had to be taken off the boards after it was learned Brees had some interest in a NJ casino (or something like that).
Yeah I hadn’t thought of it that way. Solid points. Lots of things are “legal”, but based on your job - not always for you.
Good question. I think the NFL’s answer is ‘no gambling’. The absolute worst thing that could happen to the NFL is someone being able to prove the outcome of a game was not decided on the field.

This is why even any association with gambling, legal or not, is forbidden. IIRC Namath had to sell his interest in a NY nightclub after known mobsters would visit. Why it took 30+ years to get Stabler in the HOF - he was frequently connected with Mississippi gambling interests.

Look at CFB - Drew Brees became a volunteer/interim assistant coach and the Purdue bowl game had to be taken off the boards after it was learned Brees had some interest in a NJ casino (or something like that).
Look at what's going on with the ufc now and you'll see why it's playing with fire