Been saying it for 10+ years.

I didn’t mean literally Mormons saying no but if Miami would be even if interest being so-different.
Mitt Romney is a Mormon and he was governor of Massachusetts and he had to actually live in Boston, which is larger than Miami ... maybe that will help you.
As an aside I believe there are Mormons in South Florida and/or an effort to educate people about the Mormon way.
At times I have seen and occasionally spoken with (some of you may had similar experiences) two typically young fairly clean cut lads in white dress shirts, ties, and dark pants; either on foot or on bicycle (Btw I do not mean this disrespectfully and am not intending in any way to make fun of or badmouth them or their beliefs).
They non-offensively and respectfully attempt to politely spread the word about their faith.
Believe they may an office / place of worship in the Little Havana area.
It’s not all Diaz fault the administration makes bad hires Diaz is just doing what he can, hopefully he gets lucky and fix things