Been pestering

If he was, he wasn't a starter on that Miami High team. If I remember correctly it was Haslem, Lattimore, Blake, Davila, and that other center who's name escapes me. I'm sure he learned a ton on the bench behind those guys.
I only ever remember Haslem/Blake/Lattimore. I thought they had a dude named Wright who was decent around that time. Need a Stingaree in their early 40s to look through a yearbook.
I only ever remember Haslem/Blake/Lattimore. I thought they had a dude named Wright who was decent around that time. Need a Stingaree in their early 40s to look through a yearbook.

I went to a lot of their games. If, and it's an if for sure, Nunez was on that team...he didn't play much.
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Wasn’t he there when there team got rid of a shot for brains coach, COMPLETELY REDID ALLLLL of there facilities and started to dominate again in all three sports?

No one wants an AD here who was a subordinate of an AD when they had success. That’s the same type of shot in the dark we’ve been taking.

His tangible results in football as an AD are not good. If the response is hey it’s The Lobos… coaches had had more success there than under his tenure. Long/Franchione

Throw in taking three seasons of horrible results to fire a coach who had been there five years previous with mediocre results and it hits too much like a Miami guy hire, weighing Miami ties over tangible results.
No one wants an AD here who was a subordinate of an AD when they had success. That’s the same type of shot in the dark we’ve been taking.

His tangible results in football as an AD are not good. If the response is hey it’s The Lobos… coaches had had more success there than under his tenure. Long/Franchione

Throw in taking three seasons of horrible results to fire a coach who had been there five years previous with mediocre results and it hits too much like a Miami guy hire, weighing Miami ties over tangible results.

This comes from a post from DiegoCane over at the WEZ regarding Nunez's "resume"

Nunez has been an AD for 5 years at New Mexico. So lets do a 5 year comparison to his 5 and the 5 prior.


5 prior years: 27-36 (.428)
His 5 years: 13-42 (.236)


5 prior years: 105-58 (.644)
His 5 years: 62-66 (.477)

I'm guessing (predicting)
Director of Athletics Administration - Nunez
Director of Football Operations - Dorsey
HC - Mario (or Kiffin)

There would be plenty of mopers (most in this thread) about this, but considering the curret situation and circumstances, this would resonate well with 80% of this Board, and I think it should. Mopes Go Home.

if what message board flair is saying is accurate, probably Dan Morgan or Eli Wolfe instead of Dorsey
This comes from a post from DiegoCane over at the WEZ regarding Nunez's "resume"

Nunez has been an AD for 5 years at New Mexico. So lets do a 5 year comparison to his 5 and the 5 prior.


5 prior years: 27-36 (.428)
His 5 years: 13-42 (.236)


5 prior years: 105-58 (.644)
His 5 years: 62-66 (.477)

Perfect. He’d fit right in. Welcome to Miami

I believe Manny is gone, but this is gross incompetence from the school. How do you let a coach that could be dismissed in a few days make any offer like this?

I thought we were doing this all for Mario so he wouldn't be distracted by questions. You can't keep Manny around for the sake of Mario and then have him stop doing his job because Mario may not want a player he's offering.
I thought we were doing this all for Mario so he wouldn't be distracted by questions. You can't keep Manny around for the sake of Mario and then have him stop doing his job because Mario may not want a player he's offering.
Because maybe, and hear me out here, all of that is bull**** and they really want to hire their unqualified puppet AD to “evaluate” him, restructure his deal and give him wads of cash to waste on a new staff in the name of “being competitive.” They can feel free to prove me wrong
In the grand scheme, who gives a fvck who the AD is?? WHO ARE THE COACHES GOING TO BE??

I think the AD at UF is pretty well respected. If someone with a similar resume was hired here, you’d all be banging pots and pans on bird road. But that dude just hired Billy Napier while a team he plays every year hired Brian Kelly for eleventy billion dollars. Again, who is the coach? And which coaches are being hired by that coach?

If it’s Nunez, great. Who gives a ****? He doesn’t call plays. Who is he hiring to coach the football team? Is it Nunez and Mario? Sign me up. Is it Nunez and some “up and coming” budget hire, a la what we’ve done for 20 years? Well then all this BS commitment to the program talk is just that. BS. And shoot me in the ******* face.
I don't think u understand how we got to this situation we're in now lmfao AD is way more important than a coach bruh
Because maybe, and hear me out here, all of that is bull**** and they really want to hire their unqualified puppet AD to “evaluate” him, restructure his deal and give him wads of cash to waste on a new staff in the name of “being competitive.” They can feel free to prove me wrong
While I don’t think that’s what happens it’s hard to ignore this scenario playing out as more days pass. Also that would be the worst case and I could see the hardcore put of the fan base just walking away and being done.
Because maybe, and hear me out here, all of that is bull**** and they really want to hire their unqualified puppet AD to “evaluate” him, restructure his deal and give him wads of cash to waste on a new staff in the name of “being competitive.” They can feel free to prove me wrong
Don't even know who we is honestly. I think both BOT factions want a puppet. One that owes them and will listen to them. You pull the guy who hasn't worked in years off the street like Jurich. I'm pretty sure someone would be pulling his strings. You grab the unqualified guy and pair him with the "football guy" and he'd have BOT hands up his butt.