Avantae Williams in Jail (now dismissed from team)

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I have zero judgement to make here, because I have zero idea what happened.

I don’t know his backstory, nor should that make a difference for this very specific incident.

We have a system of checks and balances in this country, that are built into the judicial system.

A suspect is given the presumption of innocence in a court of law, but obviously not in the court of public opinion.

But I am not aware of any verifiable or even trustworthy facts regarding the events that landed him in jail.

So therefore not having any knowledge of what happened, I am not even going to attempt an opinion of him or his future, nor judge him or opine on what should be his fate regarding his freedom, or even what should happen regarding his football career. To do so, would be to jump to conclusions without even having a shred of appropriate knowledge.

All I can say now is that I wish the best of health for the alleged victim and the unborn child. To say anything else is just foolish and nothing more than prurient.
Huge drop off. TAE was looking twitchy as muthafukka. **** he went off the deep end. We wanted goons and sometimes they slip. He needs some time to sit and therapy too. Prayers to the victims and his kids already.
I agree that we will be fine at safety but this guy is not on Tae’s level. Big drop off.
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I looked up the statute in Florida just because I was curious of the difference and in Florida Agg. Battery is the charge for a simple battery against a pregnant person you knew or should know is pregnant. That of course does not rule out serious injury, but it could also be simple battery that gets bumped up because of the fact she is pregnant. Also odd on his mugshot it said warrant arrest. That would seem to insinuate she did not call the cops when it happened, but a report was made, probable cause was identified and a warrant issued.
Great point as to the aggravation of the charge basked on the victim being pregnant. But that must mean penalties are much more severe than simple battery.
i wonder of the alleged victim (sorry you know its a habit) went to the police after the fact and made the report. And if there are no injuries that could really change the case.
I don't know if he's a bad guy or a good guy, looks very bad certainly, but I know good people do bad things sometimes and young people definitely do dumb and bad things sometimes and they deserve a second chance to still live a productive life. But yeah, if these reports are true, that second chance needs to happen somewhere else. Very sad stuff all around.

All that said, I also believe in due process.
I have zero judgement to make here, because I have zero idea what happened.

I don’t know his backstory, nor should that make a difference for this very specific incident.

We have a system of checks and balances in this country, that are built into the judicial system.

A suspect is given the presumption of innocence in a court of law, but obviously not in the court of public opinion.

But I am not aware of any verifiable or even trustworthy facts regarding the events that landed him in jail.

So therefore not having any knowledge of what happened, I am not even going to attempt an opinion of him or his future, nor judge him or opine on what should be his fate regarding his freedom, or even what should happen regarding his football career. To do so, would be to jump to conclusions without even having a shred of appropriate knowledge.

All I can say now is that I wish the best of health for the alleged victim and the unborn child. To say anything else is just foolish and nothing more than prurient.
Well put
I have zero judgement to make here, because I have zero idea what happened.

I don’t know his backstory, nor should that make a difference for this very specific incident.

We have a system of checks and balances in this country, that are built into the judicial system.

A suspect is given the presumption of innocence in a court of law, but obviously not in the court of public opinion.

But I am not aware of any verifiable or even trustworthy facts regarding the events that landed him in jail.

So therefore not having any knowledge of what happened, I am not even going to attempt an opinion of him or his future, nor judge him or opine on what should be his fate regarding his freedom, or even what should happen regarding his football career. To do so, would be to jump to conclusions without even having a shred of appropriate knowledge.

All I can say now is that I wish the best of health for the alleged victim and the unborn child. To say anything else is just foolish and nothing more than prurient.
You’re absolutely right. We don’t have all the facts. We might have an overly-sensationalized picture of what actually happened. We, including me, might be overreacting.

I’ve seen so much over the years, going back to the rental car fiasco in the ‘80’s, so many other things, I just keep hoping that we never see another “scandal” of any kind, ever again.

No alternative.

"Threw her to the ground, hit her head, bruises on the arms and neck. Two broken fingernails."

That's all you need to know.
"She" told the cops that. Doesn't make it factual. He has a version of what happened Doesn't he or is it case closed? Some of y'all are too politically correct. And I mean it's understandable if you only see cops on the highway and not passing through your community every 10 minutes. I'm willing to bet if he's guilty you'll know rather quickly. But my money is on some backtracking and excuses being made as to why
Gators already crapping on him and us:

It’s in VIP but some of the comments by Canes on the 247 board are bad even disgraceful and atrocious like

“if she’s smart she’d drop the charges so Avantae can ball out, get drafted and provide wealth to her beyond her wildest dreams.”
It’s in VIP but some of the comments by Canes on the 247 board are bad even disgraceful and atrocious like

“if she’s smart she’d drop the charges so Avantae can ball out, get drafted and provide wealth to her beyond her wildest dreams.”
Not one Canes fan on twitter or this board has said anything other than if true boot him and should not happen. Sounds like trolls are making accounts as canes fans and now 247 running with it
It’s in VIP but some of the comments by Canes on the 247 board are bad even disgraceful and atrocious like

“if she’s smart she’d drop the charges so Avantae can ball out, get drafted and provide wealth to her beyond her wildest dreams.”
Oh today has been full of maniacs quacking from their own private asylums.
there is no excuse for hitting a woman especially a pregnant one and ESPECIALLY not one carrying your child.

There may be another side to this but if he laid hands on her then he needs to go whatever the reason.At some point ALL MEN need to realize this isn't the 1940's and if you hit,push or even threaten a woman chances are it won't turn out well for you..
Not one Canes fan on twitter or this board has said anything other than if true boot him and should not happen. Sounds like trolls are making accounts as canes fans and now 247 running with it


Considering Season 3 GIF by Portlandia
It’s in VIP but some of the comments by Canes on the 247 board are bad even disgraceful and atrocious like

“if she’s smart she’d drop the charges so Avantae can ball out, get drafted and provide wealth to her beyond her wildest dreams.”

It is atrocious but sadly that is the way these things often end with DV. The battered spouse/GF realizes that 1) she'll be alone and 2) any supporting income (or possibility of future income) will go away; and then the allegations are recanted. Dropping charges usually doesn't have anything to do with being smart and/or Machavellian, rather it is a well understood behavior typically referred to as battered spouse syndrome. I would not be surprised if she changes her story and says she fell down or that he accidentally pushed her. Prosecution can't do much in these cases if the victim doesn't cooperate.
More or less speaking of elite/program changing players, it seems that the Miami gets players that can make a significant difference is always some kind of issues with getting in trouble for whatever else you can think of, however regardless of that situation extremely disappointed in avante Williams and Kane or not I cannot support and will not support anyone who does something like this and excusable doesn't even begin to cover it
Not always. Most of our elite recruits have stayed out of trouble. One guy who came in already with a bad record was Willie Williams. I found an official rap sheet for the very enterprising young man right about the time we signed him. There were about eight entries. I think they were arrests, many as a juvenile. I guess it was from the Dept of Corrections. Some were adult violations.(I guess they could just juvenile infractions, which I thought would not be public, but I guess they were. Or he had a slew of adult infractions.) One involved possession of “burglary tools.” I didn’t even know there was such an infraction. It told me that Willie was a precocious and motivated criminal at an early age. He was probably self-taught, ambitious and a self-starter. The kind of young employee every employer would want to higher.
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